英语main idea 和topic怎么区分最好有实例


Topic是你的主题,是你文章的中心,围绕着topic来讲,main idea是你的论点,你的主要看法。举个栗子,topic:导致全球变暖的原因
Main idea:1.自然原因 2.人为原因
第1个回答  2015-11-13

    main idea of a passage or reading is the central thought or message. In contrast
    to the term topic, which refers to the subject under discussion, the term main
    idea refers to the point or thought being expressed. 中心思想是文章的观点和思想而话题是文章讨论的主题

    The United States faces a transportation crisis. U.S. highways and
    airways are getting more and more crowded. In the next 20 years, the time that
    automobile drivers lose because of crowded highways is expected to increase
    from 3 billion to 12 billion hours a year. During the same time period, the
    number of airplane flights with delays of more than eight minutes is predicted
    to triple. For both highway and air travel, the estimated cost of delay to
    passengers will rise from $15 billion a year today to $61 billion 20 years from

    分析 答案B A main idea有观点increasing,topic 就是文中主题

              Which sentence best states the main idea of the paragraph?

  A. Airplanes will not be delayed as much as cars will be.

  B.Transportation problems in the United
States are increasing.

  C.Twenty years from now, drivers
will be delayed 12 billion hours a year

  D.Transportation delays now cost travelers
billions of dollars

  Which is the topic of the paragraph?

  A. Transportation Problem inte U.S.

  B. Crowded Highways and Airways

  C. Delay of Flights

  D. Cost of transportation Delay

第2个回答  2015-11-13
main idea:
What is the main idea of the reading?
在这里就不可以用 topic,区分还是比较明显的。

n. 主题(等于theme);题目;一般规则;总论
1. (谈话、讨论等的)题目,话题;论题
2. (文章、段落等的)主题--一般会用黑体标示出来
3. (提纲、大纲等的)标题;细目本回答被提问者采纳