

1. The English word for "cabinet" is spelled as such: cabinet. Pronounced as: [英 'kæbɪnɪt], [美 'kæbənət].
2. Cabinet refers to:
- The group of ministers who run a government.
- A piece of furniture with shelves or drawers for storing things.
3. Example sentences:
- The president consulted with the cabinet.
- He has held numerous significant positions in the French cabinet.
4. Synonyms for "cabinet":
- Confidential
- Private
- Secret (also a proper noun or a person's name)
5. Similar words and phrases:
- Secret: relating to something kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
- Secret police: a term used for security services that operate secretly.
- Secret society: an organization whose activities, aims, and existence are hidden from the general public.
- Secret ballot: a voting method where the voter's choices are kept private.
- Shared Secret: a term used in cryptography for a piece of information known only to the parties involved in a communication.