be subject to do 的subject 的词性,动词还是名词


显然,第一个subject是作为动词,第二个是作为形容词. subject vt. 使服从, 使隶属(to) 使受到, 使遭到(to) adj. 易受... 影响的受...支配的, 附属的以...为条件[转移]的; 须经[有待于] ...的(to) 所以, be subject to:(1)可能受……的影响, Flights are subject to delay because of the fog. (2) 取决于,视……而定, The article is ready to publish,subject to your approval. (3) 受……支配,服从于, All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards. be subjected to: (1)被纳入,服从于,顺从于, Most of the Europe was subjected to the Roman Empire in history. (2) 遭受, The city was subjected to heavy bombing.