



1. Crash

名词: Crash通常用于描述严重的交通事故,如car crash或交通工具的严重损坏。在日常对话中,你可以这样表达:“The traffic jam resulted in a nasty car crash during rush hour.”

动词: Crash也可以作为动词,指失控或意外发生的碰撞。例如:“I was worried she might crash the party if she got too drunk.”

2. Collision

Collision是描述两个物体直接相撞的术语,无论是物体间还是人与人之间。例如:“In the dark, a head-on collision was narrowly avoided.” 或者在空中的:“A mid-air collision between two planes is a terrifying scenario.”

3. Impact

Impact不仅指撞击本身,更强调其后果或影响。例如:“The car's impact on the wall left a noticeable dent.” 或者“Brace yourself for the emotional impact of the news.”

4. Hit

Hit是个通用的动词,用于描述撞击的动作,无论是有意还是无意。如:“I accidentally hit my head on the door frame.” 或者在意外事故中:“She hit a tree while driving, damaging her car.”

5. Collide

Collapse特指两个移动物体之间的撞击,比如:“Two cyclists collided on the narrow bike path.” 这个词强调的是动态的相撞。


例如,描述一场严重的事故:“Their stolen car met its tragic end on the highway, utterly crushed in the crash. Glen's unfortunate encounter with a tree left his vehicle irreparably damaged.” 或者在非正式场合:“I once had a car disaster in a snowstorm, and ever since, I've sworn off driving in such conditions.”

对于轻微的损坏,我们也可以轻松表达:“The engine's small capacity made it susceptible to minor damage, but now, it's completely trashed after the incident."

