
预言家:诺查丹玛斯 国籍:法国 预言内容:哈里将在38岁时成为英国国王
预言家:珍妮.狄克逊 国籍:美国 预言内容:1999年人类不会灭亡,拯救人类的希望在东方,西方只代表事物的终端。

1.Prophet:Noz Danmas Nationality: France Predict: Harey will make British king as 38.
2.Prophet:Janey Diction Nationality: America Predict: Men will not die out in 1999, and the hope to rescue themselves is in the east, while the west only represents ends of all.
第1个回答  2006-09-07
Prophet:The promise checks the 斯 nationality of 丹玛 :France predicts a contents:哈 In will at 38 years old become a British king
Prophet:Jenny.The 狄 gram lousy nationality:The United States predicts a contents:The mankind would not perish in 1999, rescuing mankind's hope in the east, western the terminal that represent thing.