介绍鲁迅的英语作文 以下内容

1.1881年9月25日出生于浙江省绍兴,1889年到南京求学吗902年赴日本留学 2。1904年开始学医,1909年回到祖国,在杭州任教 3.1918---1936是最重要的时期。他的大部分作品写于这一时期 4.1936年10月19日在上海逝世。被誉为伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家

第一篇: As it is known to us all ,LuXun is a famous Chinese writer. He is not only a writer, thinker, but also the founder of Chinese Literature . He wrote many classic (经典的)novels and his stories, which are translated many languages, were made into film,such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Year's Sacrifice,which deeply showed people's suffering in the old days. Because of his achievement to Chinese literature, Chairman Mao spoke highly of him. Besides, some of his works were selected into the text books in high school and university. I think you'll gain a lot from reading his works. 第二篇: Short-story writer, essayist, critic, and literary theorist who is considered to be one of the greatest figures in 20th-century Chinese literature. Lu Xun, hailed as "commander of China's cultural revolution" by Mao Zedong, is typically regarded as the most influential Chinese writer who was associated with the May Fourth Movement. Lu Xun's acclaimed short stories appeared in three collections between the years 1923 and 1935. He also produced sixteen volumes of essays, reminiscences, prose poetry, historical tales, some sixty classical-style poems, and a dozen volumes of scholarly research, and numerous translations. His main works are:Call to Arms (1922) "A Madman's Diary" (1918) "Kong Yiji" (1919) "Medicine" (1919) "Tomorrow" (1920) "A Small Incident" (1920) "The Story of Hair" (1920) " Storm in a Teacup" (1920) "My Old Home" (1921) "The True Story of Ah Q" (1921) "The Double Fifth Festival" (1922) "The White Light" (1922) "The Rabbits and the Cat" (1922) "The Comedy of the Ducks" (1922) "Village Opera" (1922) from Old Tales Retold (1935) Mending Heaven (1935) The Flight to the Moon (1926) Curbing the Flood (1935) Gathering Vetch (1935) Forging the Swords (1926) Leaving the Pass (1935) Opposing Aggression (1934) Resurrecting the Dead (1935) (你可以根据你的需要删去一些作品名称,使之符合你的短文长度需要。)