
The Shinra Company is led by a president and board of directors, each with their own portfolio and responsibility for a sector of the company's operations. The highest office in the company is that of the President. The President has total control over company affairs, convenes the board and acts as its chair. Next is the office of the Vice-President, however the duties of this office are never made clear other than acting as a successor in waiting to the President. After Rufus succeeds his father he makes no known appointment to the Vice-Presidential office.

The Department of Public Relations and Public Safety Maintenance was Shinra's largest department and headed by Heidegger. This department controlled Shinra's military and policing service as well as the elite SOLDIER unit. SOLDIER was originally a separate portfolio but was brought into the Public Safety Maintenance Department by Heidegger after the demotion of Lazard, who had previously been the director of SOLDIER. The members of SOLDIER were specially trained, elite fighters divided into Third, Second, and First Class branches. Sephiroth, Zack Fair, Angeal Hewley, and Genesis Rhapsodos were First Class members of SOLDIER before the Nibelheim incident.

The Department of General Affairs was also incorporated with the Department of Public Relations and Public Safety Maintenance by Heidegger after he seized control of the department from Verdot but maintained semi-autonomy through the "Investigation Division of the Department of General Affairs", better known as the Turks. This division formed Shinra's special security force, under the leadership of Tseng who reported to Heidegger. The Turks performed covert operations on behalf of the company, including espionage, kidnappings and assassinations. They also acted as scouts for potential candidates for Shinra's elite military unit, SOLDIER,[17][18] and serve as bodyguards for the Shinra executives. After the demise of the company the Turks remained loyal to Rufus and acted as his bodyguard and carried out Intelligence operations to aid the reconstruction of the company.

Shinra had a large Department of Science and Research, originally under Dr. Gast until he was replaced by Professor Hojo, which dealt with research into the Cetra, Mako energy, bio-chemistry and genetics. The department was also in charge of the Jenova Project which was used to create Sephiroth and the "perfect" SOLDIERs. Mako was one of the two main components in biologically enhancing members of SOLDIER. It was also used in a series of experiments by Professors Gast and Hojo on living people. SOLDIERs are not only infused with Mako, however. They are also injected with Jenova cells. Jenova's cells together with Mako gives them far greater strength and cognitive ability than ordinary humans possess, provided they are mentally strong enough to handle the Mako infusion process without suffering from mako poisoning

The Shinra Company is led by a president and board of directors, each with their own portfolio and responsibility for a sector of the company's operations.在神罗公司是由一名主席和董事会,用自己的投资组合,并为公司的每个业务部门的责任。 The highest office in the company is that of the President.在公司的最高职位是主席。 The President has total control over company affairs, convenes the board and acts as its chair.总统已经对公司事务的全面控制,召开董事会,并作为主席的行为。 Next is the office of the Vice-President, however the duties of this office are never made clear other than acting as a successor in waiting to the President.其次是在副总统职位,但该办事处的职责是从来没有明确其他不是作为一个在等待总统的继任者采取行动。 After Rufus succeeds his father he makes no known appointment to the Vice-Presidential office.鲁弗成功后,他的父亲,他不作任何已知任命为副总统办公室。

The Department of Public Relations and Public Safety Maintenance was Shinra's largest department and headed by Heidegger.公共关系和维护公共安全部神罗最大的百货和海德格尔领导。 This department controlled Shinra's military and policing service as well as the elite SOLDIER unit.神罗本部门控制的军事和治安服务,以及精锐部队士兵。 SOLDIER was originally a separate portfolio but was brought into the Public Safety Maintenance Department by Heidegger after the demotion of Lazard, who had previously been the director of SOLDIER.士兵本来是一个独立的投资组合,但所带来的海德格尔后拉扎德,谁以前的士兵主任降级到维护公共安全部。 The members of SOLDIER were specially trained, elite fighters divided into Third, Second, and First Class branches.对士兵的成员是受过专门训练的精英战士分为三,二,和头等舱分支机构。 Sephiroth, Zack Fair, Angeal Hewley, and Genesis Rhapsodos were First Class members of SOLDIER before the Nibelheim incident.神性之树,扎克博览会,永靖Hewley,和创世纪Rhapsodos是一等士兵成员在Nibelheim事件。

The Department of General Affairs was also incorporated with the Department of Public Relations and Public Safety Maintenance by Heidegger after he seized control of the department from Verdot but maintained semi-autonomy through the "Investigation Division of the Department of General Affairs", better known as the Turks.在总务部还成立了海德格尔在他夺取从味儿多部门的控制,但维持半透过“调查的一般事务部”自治,更好地称为与公共关系和维护公共安全部土耳其人。 This division formed Shinra's special security force, under the leadership of Tseng who reported to Heidegger.该师成立了神罗的特别安全部队,在向谁曾海德格尔的领导。 The Turks performed covert operations on behalf of the company, including espionage, kidnappings and assassinations.土耳其人完成对公司,包括间谍罪,绑架和暗杀的名义秘密行动。 They also acted as scouts for potential candidates for Shinra's elite military unit, SOLDIER,[17][18] and serve as bodyguards for the Shinra executives.他们还担任侦察员为神罗的精锐部队,士兵,有意参选的[17] [18],并作为主管的神罗保镖。 After the demise of the company the Turks remained loyal to Rufus and acted as his bodyguard and carried out Intelligence operations to aid the reconstruction of the company.后该公司的土耳其人鲁弗仍然忠于他的保镖和行动,进行情报活动,以帮助该公司重建的灭亡。

Shinra had a large Department of Science and Research, originally under Dr. Gast until he was replaced by Professor Hojo, which dealt with research into the Cetra, Mako energy, bio-chemistry and genetics.神罗曾嘉仕达博士领导下的科学和研究,原来大处,直到他被北条教授,这与研究涉及到切特拉,真子能源,取代了生物,化学和遗传学。 The department was also in charge of the Jenova Project which was used to create Sephiroth and the "perfect" SOLDIERs.该署是在杰诺瓦项目负责人也这是用来创建神性之树和“完美”的士兵。 Mako was one of the two main components in biologically enhancing members of SOLDIER.真子是两个生物提高士兵的成员主要组成部分之一。 It was also used in a series of experiments by Professors Gast and Hojo on living people.它也使用了一个实验,教授和北条嘉仕达一系列的生活。 SOLDIERs are not only infused with Mako, however.士兵不仅充满了真子,但是。 They are also injected with Jenova cells.他们还注射杰诺瓦细胞。 Jenova's cells together with Mako gives them far greater strength and cognitive ability than ordinary humans possess, provided they are mentally strong enough to handle the Mako infusion process without suffering from mako poisoning杰诺瓦的细胞与真子一起给他们更大的力量,比普通人类认知能力具备,只要他们精神强大到足以应付,不会从鲨中毒输液过程中的真子

提问者: 赫尔基默 - 助理 四级
第1个回答  2009-11-21


公共关系和公共安全维护部是Shinra最大的部门,由Heidegger领导。这个部门管理Shinra的军事和政策服务以及精英SOLDIER单位。SOLDIER最初是一个独立部门,但在它的前任总监Lazard被降级之后,被Heidegger并入公共安全维护部。SOLDIER的成员都经过特别训练,这些精英战士被分为三级、二级和一级分部。在Nibelheim事件之前,Sephiroth, Zack Fair, Angeal Hewley, 和Genesis Rhapsodos是SOLDIER的一级成员。


Shinra有一个很大的科技研发部。最早由Gast博士领导,后来由Hojo教授接任。该部门负责对Cetra, Mako能量,生化和基因的研究。同时也负责创造Sephiroth和“完美”士兵的Jenova工程。Mako是增强SOLDIER成员的两大生物要素之一。它还被用于Gast教授和Hojo教授在活人身上进行的一系列实验。但SOLDIER不仅仅被Mako灌输,他们还被用Jenova细胞注射。Jenova的细胞加上Mako,给了他们远远超出人类的超级强大力量和感知能力,使得他们在接受Mako注射时有足够的精神抵抗力而不会因mako毒害。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-11-21


在总务部还成立了海德格尔在他夺取从味儿多部门的控制,但维持半透过“调查的一般事务部”自治,更好地称为与公共关系和维护公共安全部土耳其人。该师成立了神罗的特别安全部队,在向谁曾海德格尔的领导。土耳其人完成对公司,包括间谍罪,绑架和暗杀的名义秘密行动。他们还担任侦察员为神罗的精锐部队,士兵,有意参选的[17] [18],并作为主管的神罗保镖。后该公司土耳其人仍忠于鲁弗斯和他的保镖行动,进行情报活动,以帮助该公司重建的灭亡。


第3个回答  2009-11-21