

Chicken stew mushroom, which is a Northeastern dishes, that is, dry mushrooms, chicken and vermicelli with stew crafted. This dish is a stew type the Northeast, particularly Ruannen long-stewed chicken, mushrooms delicious lovers, vermicelli smooth fragrant, especially suitable for winter and eat in order to achieve blood circulation Quhan to prevent cold attack role.
Cooking materials
Ingredients: chicken (half only, 350 grams), dried tea mushroom (50 grams), sweet potato starch noodles (100 grams), dried pepper (10), anise (1), onion (1), ginger (2 slices )
Seasoning: oil (2 tablespoons), Haitian seafood sauce (2 tablespoons), wine (1 tablespoon), salt (1 / 3 tablespoon), sugar (1 / 2 tablespoon)
Cooking process
1, light chicken washed Zhancheng block; sweet potato vermicelli cut above, with water soak until soft; onions and cut into sections, ginger slices.
2, dry tea mushroom hair with warm water, cut off the roots, wash drain water stand-by.
3, Heat 2 tablespoons oil, saute scallion, ginger, dried chili peppers and star anise, pour chicken and 1 tablespoon cooking wine, quick stir-fry until chicken color.
4, into the tea mushroom, and chicken with fry 1 minute, stir well into the two bowls of water.
5, by adding 1 / 3 tablespoons salt, 2 tablespoons of Haitian seafood, soy sauce and 1 / 2 tablespoons sugar seasoning.
6, stamp to open fire to boil, stew for 20 minutes Gaixiao fire, during Uncovery duplicating the look in order to avoid sticky paste boil.
7, into the sweet potato starch noodles mix well, stamped continued cook 5 minutes, cook until softened vermicelli, thick soup, you can pan.
Chef Tips
1 to hazel mushrooms into the dish as the best, hazel mushroom northeast specialty, full-bodied taste of its bacteria, canopy thick body, crisp texture. If you can not buy hazel mushroom, dried tea mushroom can be used instead.
2, with chicken, or go to the chicken-based material, its rich chicken flavor, meat smoking and tough, long cooking will be more tasty and will not light and tasteless, it would be inappropriate purchase broiler.
3, available sweet potato, mung bean or potato starch noodles, sweet potato starch noodles can be used to open blisters due to hair, and cooked a long time is not easy Lan Hu, it is proposed to use sweet potato starch noodles into the dish.
4, dry hair Chaxingu use warm water, boiled water or cold water is unavailable, the former will Chaxingu become soft and rotten, smell loss; the latter is not easy to soak hair, fragrance is a light, not only difficult to cooking, but also difficult to dry hard chew.
第1个回答  2009-11-28