
hot, Sam did
C. hot; Sam, therefore, did
D. hot; Sam, trying to do
2. She hoped to find a new job. One that would let her earn money during the school year.
A. job. One that
B. job. The kind that
C. job, one that
D. job, so that it
3. Knocked sideways, the statue looked as if it would fall.
A. Knocked sideways, the statue looked
B. The statue was knocked sideways, looked
C. The statue looked knocked sideways
D. The statue, looking knocked sideways,
Rewrite the sentence below in your head, following the directions given below. Keep in mind that your new sentence should be
well written and should have essentially the same meaning as the sentence given you.
4. When you cross the street in the middle of the block, this is an example of jaywalking.
A. When you cross the street in the middle of the block, this
B. You cross the street in the middle of the block, this
C. Crossing the street in the middle of the block
D. The fact that you cross the street in the middle of the block
Select the best version of the underlined part of the sentence. The first choice is the same as the original sentence. If you think
the original sentence is best, choose the first answer.
5. To walk, biking, and driving are Pat’s favorite ways of getting around.
A. To walk, biking, and driving
B. Walking, biking, and driving
C. To walk, biking, and to drive
D. To walk, to bike and also driving
noticed, a child watching
7. In his songs, Gordon Lightfoot makes melody and lyrics intricately intertwine.
Rewrite, beginning with
Melody and lyrics . . .
Your new sentence will include
A. Gordon Lightfoot has
B. make Gordon Lightfoot’s
C. in Gordon Lightfoot’s
D. does Gordon Lightfoot
8. It is easy to carry solid objects without spilling them, but the same cannot be said of liquids.
Rewrite, beginning with
Unlike liquids, . . .
The next words will be
A. it is easy to
B. we can easily
C. solid objects can easily be
D. solid objects are easy to be
9. Excited children ran toward the loud music, and they told others about the ice cream truck outside.
Rewrite, beginning with
The excited children, who had run toward the loud . . .
The next words will be
A. music, they told
B. music, told
C. music, telling
D. music and had told
10. If he had enough strength, Todd would move the boulder.
Rewrite, beginning with
Todd cannot move the boulder . . .
The next words will be
A. when lacking
B. because he
C. although there
D. without enoughbe
A. after the band began
B. and the band began
C. although the band began
D. the band beginning
12. Chris heard no unusual noises when he listened in the park.
Rewrite, beginning with
Listening in the park, . . .
The next words will be
A. no unusual noises could be heard
B. then Chris heard no unusual noises
C. and hearing no unusual noises
D. Chris heard no unusual noises
问题 选项 都要.


  2的塞姆.她希望找出一新工作.那将让她在学年年挣得钱的.A. 工作.一那B.工作.种类那C.工作,一那D.工作因此它
  4.当你越过在中间起跑器街道的时候,这个是一随意穿越马路的例子 .A.当你越过在中间起跑器街道的时候,这B.你越过在中间起跑器,这C.,越过在中间起跑器D.事实其你越过的街道街道街道在中间起跑器选择强调部分句子中最最好版本.第一选择是原来句子也一样.如果你认为原来句子是最好,选择第一答案.
  5.步行,骑自行车,Pat’s最喜欢的传开的方式和驱动公亩. 骑自行车A.向走路和汽车驾驶的B.走,骑自行车,和迫使C.步行骑自行车和驱动D.向带着a走向自行车和也驾驶注意孩子注意
  7.在他的歌曲中,戈登 Lightfoot使旋律和抒情诗错综复杂地相互缠绕.重写,开头有的梅洛迪和抒情诗.你的新句子将包含A. 戈登Lightfoot在戈登Lightfoot’s D.社交聚会戈登Lightfoot中制做戈登Lightfoot’s C. 让B.
  8.是容易不翻落他们带着坚实的物件的,但是同样的不能被谈到液体说.改写旧作以不相象液体开始.下一个words将向B.不成问题是A.它存在我们C. 坚实的物件罐容易能容易是容易是9 D.坚实的物件公亩.兴奋孩子朝着嘈杂的音乐和他们was运作说
  9。兴奋孩子跑朝着嘈杂的音乐和他们告诉其他的外面冰淇淋卡车。以已经跑的兴奋孩子开始的重写朝着大声。他们告诉 B. 音乐,说 C. 音乐,有效的 D. 音乐和有说
  10下一个词将是 A. 音乐。如果他有对充足力量,Todd 将移动巨砾。以 Todd 开始的重写不能移动巨砾。下一个词将是 A.,当缺乏 B. 的时候因为他 C. 虽然那里没有在乐队以后的 enoughbe A. 的 D. 开始 B. 和乐队开始 C.,虽然乐队开始 D. 开始12的乐队。克里斯听没有不寻常来自的噪音,当他在公园中听的时候。改写旧作以在公园中听开始。..The.。
第1个回答  2009-12-15
2的塞姆.她希望找出一新工作.那将让她在学年年挣得钱的.A. 工作.一那B.工作.种类那C.工作,一那D.工作因此它
4.当你越过在中间起跑器街道的时候,这个是一随意穿越马路的例子 .A.当你越过在中间起跑器街道的时候,这B.你越过在中间起跑器,这C.,越过在中间起跑器D.事实其你越过的街道街道街道在中间起跑器选择强调部分句子中最最好版本.第一选择是原来句子也一样.如果你认为原来句子是最好,选择第一答案.
5.步行,骑自行车,Pat’s最喜欢的传开的方式和驱动公亩. 骑自行车A.向走路和汽车驾驶的B.走,骑自行车,和迫使C.步行骑自行车和驱动D.向带着a走向自行车和也驾驶注意孩子注意
7.在他的歌曲中,戈登 Lightfoot使旋律和抒情诗错综复杂地相互缠绕.重写,开头有的梅洛迪和抒情诗.你的新句子将包含A. 戈登Lightfoot在戈登Lightfoot’s D.社交聚会戈登Lightfoot中制做戈登Lightfoot’s C. 让B.
8.是容易不翻落他们带着坚实的物件的,但是同样的不能被谈到液体说.改写旧作以不相象液体开始.下一个words将向B.不成问题是A.它存在我们C. 坚实的物件罐容易能容易是容易是9 D.坚实的物件公亩.兴奋孩子朝着嘈杂的音乐和他们was运作说
9。兴奋孩子跑朝着嘈杂的音乐和他们告诉其他的外面冰淇淋卡车。以已经跑的兴奋孩子开始的重写朝着大声。他们告诉 B. 音乐,说 C. 音乐,有效的 D. 音乐和有说
10下一个词将是 A. 音乐。如果他有对充足力量,Todd 将移动巨砾。以 Todd 开始的重写不能移动巨砾。下一个词将是 A.,当缺乏 B. 的时候因为他 C. 虽然那里没有在乐队以后的 enoughbe A. 的 D. 开始 B. 和乐队开始 C.,虽然乐队开始 D. 开始12的乐队。克里斯听没有不寻常来自的噪音,当他在公园中听的时候。改写旧作以在公园中听开始。