中国将会成为世界第一强国 用英文怎么说


China is poised to become the world's leading power.
Will China become the world's first power?
China is on track to overtake the United States as the world's leading power.
Is China going to be the number one power in the world?
As the world focuses on the Olympics, there is an implicit expectation—even concern for some—that China is destined to become the world's new leading superpower. In fact, a significant number of people across many countries believe the torch has been passed to China. A recent Pew survey found that 67% of people in Japan believe China will replace the United States as the world's leading superpower, with 53% of Chinese respondents sharing this view. The report states that the majority of people in Germany, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, and Australia either believe China has already replaced the US or will do so in the future. However, in the US, 54% of Americans are skeptical about China's ultimate victory.
Experts' views on this issue vary widely, from uncertainty to strong skepticism about China's readiness to take the lead. Nevertheless, there are clear signs of China's substantial progress. According to one forecast, China is close to replacing the US as the primary driver of the global economy, a role the US has played since World War II. Georgia Tech researchers who made this prediction have no doubt that China will soon become the world's top technological superpower, thanks to the significant investment it is making in research and development. Another study from last year pointed out that China's population will also contribute to this shift by the middle of this century.
Despite concerns among many global citizens, it is predicted that China will gain world dominance. The question is, what does it mean for China to become a world superpower? The answer reveals China's destiny, much like the sky over Beijing.
Stanford University's Hoover Institution researcher, Alice Miller, points out that the hallmarks of a superpower are influence in four areas: military, economic, political, and cultural. According to Miller's research, the US is the only country to have had this status after World War II. Most countries have tied their currencies to the US dollar, and American culture is widespread globally. After the Soviet Union's collapse, the US became the undisputed number one superpower.除了在军事实力上占据绝对优势外,美国还通过经济、政治和文化的影响力取得了 hegemony, and these factors now appear to be declining in many people's eyes.
Although China has become a great power through its "remarkable" rise over the past two decades, Miller wrote in 2004 that "China is not a superpower now and will not become one soon." This week, she still holds this view. Adam Segal, a senior researcher of Chinese issues at the Council on Foreign Relations, also doubts that China will rise to become a superpower. However, he notes that, given the US's involvement in two wars, the US will not really go to war with Russia or China. Segal emphasizes that since the mid-1990s, China's behavior has been "pretty mild," with the country's focus on " harmonious development," working to ensure that what is beneficial to China (economic development) is also good for its neighbors. "China has good relations with most of its neighbors."
In fact, many people believe that the world may enter a new phase, where a superpower is no longer what it used to be, and the future world may be multipolar. Most analysts believe that China is gaining a seat at the table of major world powers. The question is, what are the motivations behind China's rise—to gain dominance or to play a friendly role?
Some analysts believe that the Olympics could mark a turning point for China. Jeffrey Bader, the center's director, says that China's goal in hosting the Olympics was to "tell the rest of the world, 'China is here.'" Another senior researcher at the Brookings Institution, Li Chen, believes that "China will enter a new era after the Olympics," becoming "more open, transparent, and inclusive."
If China becomes a world power, will chess become popular? Your strength will increase, and your cultural soft power will rise proportionally. Look at the US—weapons, movies, cuisine—this is possible because you set the standards.
Will China become the world's number one power in the future? Yes, it's just a matter of time. With the current speed of economic and social development, the US is the only one left in front.
Will China become the world's number one power after 2020? No.
By the end of March 2015, China's broad money supply (M2) had reached 127.53 trillion yuan, up over 80 times from 1.53 trillion in 1990. At an exchange rate of about 6.18, this is equivalent to about 20.6 trillion US dollars, while the US's M2 was about 11.6 trillion US dollars. China's M2 has not only surpassed Europe and the US, accounting for 25% of the global total, but its new M2 has also accounted for about 50% of the world's total for many years. While China's economy has maintained rapid growth over the past few decades, it is difficult to say whether this is without inflationary pressures from excessive money printing.
When the pace of money printing is constrained by exchange rates and cannot keep up with debt growth, the economy will enter a "new normal" of decline, and the real value of the renminbi will reflect its long-term overprinting in a deflationary environment. It is predicted that China will not only not become a superpower by 2020, but will also enter a period of "difficulties," potentially leading to widespread starvation!
How many years will it take for China to become the world's number one power? According to foreign economists, China may become the world's largest economy within a decade, but due to its large population, per capita GDP is still low, and there is a significant gap in military, nuclear, and aerospace capabilities. However, I believe that China will regain the world's number one position in the not-too-distant future.