
雅思双语幼儿园(YARSY BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN)是一所位于广州市海珠区东晓南路锦绣星城小区里面的配套幼儿园,园区附近设有地铁站,公交车站,交通便利。雅思双语幼儿园是面向广大中等收入家庭设计开班的特色双语幼儿园。它采用了双语教学的主题整合方式以及蒙特梭利教学方式,使孩子在良好的学习环境中德、智、体等方面全面发展. 雅思双语幼儿园秉着为幼儿提供个性化教育的宗旨,注重潜能开发和兴趣培养,生活体验,感官学习,动手动脑,注重习惯培养,能力提高和素质教育的教学理念,为幼儿提供生存教育,并通过教育开发幼儿的潜能。
幼儿园占地面积2200平方米,开设7个班级,设有功能齐全的现代化舞蹈教室,现代科学电脑教学室、寝室、 盥洗室、消毒间、卫生间、更衣室于一体,自成单元。室内配有钢琴、闭路电视、音响、空调、电脑、饮水机、红外线电子灭菌灯等。与活动室相配套的有大型音乐厅、阅览室、科学室、美术室、多功能亲子活动室等现代化教学设施,以及室外富有童趣的塑胶游乐场大型玩具、沙地、种植园等。幼儿园在设施设备的建设和投资中坚持环保和人性化原则,园内鸟语花香,安全舒适,是孩子们活动的家园。
刚才发现最高只能悬赏100分~~答得好的联系我,我另提问给分~~哥有的是分~~ 再说一遍,别拿机器翻译的忽悠哥,刚说完就有人忽悠哥~~~

雅思双语幼儿园(YARSY BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN)是一所位于广州市海珠区东晓南路锦绣星城小区里面的配套幼儿园,园区附近设有地铁站,公交车站,交通便利。
The YARSY Bilingual Kindergarten is a supporting kindergarten located in a small community of the Fairview Star City (锦绣星城), Dong Xiao Nan Road (东晓南路), Haizhu District(海珠区), Guangzhou City. Transportation is convenient with metro stations and bus stations nearby.

The YARSY Bilingual Kindergarten is a unique bilingual kindergarten which targets for the general middle-income families.

It uses a theme-based language approach and the Montessori teaching method of bilingual education, in order to provide the children a good learning environmentant for moral, intellectual, and physical all-round development.

The YARSY Bilingual Kindergarten aims to provide personalized education, focusing on potential development and interest cultivation, life experience, sensory learning, hands
and brain learning. It emphasizes on the teaching philosopy of habit development, capacity building and quality education.

幼儿园占地面积2200平方米,开设7个班级,设有功能齐全的现代化舞蹈教室,现代科学电脑教学室、寝室、 盥洗室、消毒间、卫生间、更衣室于一体,自成单元。
The Kindergarten has an area of 2,200 square meters, offers seven classes, and has a fully functional modern dance studio. Modern science and computer teaching room, bedroom, bathroom, sterilization room, washroom, locker room are all self-contained as a unit.

Rooms are equipped with piano, CCTV, stereo, air condition, computer, drinking fountain, infrared sterilization lamp. The activity rooms are complemented by large concert hall, reading room, science room, art room, multi-functional parent-child activity room and other modern teaching facilities.

The construction of the facilities and the investment of the kindergarten adhere to environmental protection and humanity principles. The kindergarten is peaceful and tranquil, safe and comfortable. It is a perfect place for the children.
第1个回答  2010-09-26
雅思双语幼儿园(YARSY BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN)是一所位于广州市海珠区东晓南路锦绣星城小区里面的配套幼儿园,园区附近设有地铁站,公交车站,交通便利。雅思双语幼儿园是面向广大中等收入家庭设计开班的特色双语幼儿园。它采用了双语教学的主题整合方式以及蒙特梭利教学方式,使孩子在良好的学习环境中德、智、体等方面全面发展. 雅思双语幼儿园秉着为幼儿提供个性化教育的宗旨,注重潜能开发和兴趣培养,生活体验,感官学习,动手动脑,注重习惯培养,能力提高和素质教育的教学理念,为幼儿提供生存教育,并通过教育开发幼儿的潜能。
幼儿园占地面积2200平方米,开设7个班级,设有功能齐全的现代化舞蹈教室,现代科学电脑教学室、寝室、 盥洗室、消毒间、卫生间、更衣室于一体,自成单元。室内配有钢琴、闭路电视、音响、空调、电脑、饮水机、红外线电子灭菌灯等。与活动室相配套的有大型音乐厅、阅览室、科学室、美术室、多功能亲子活动室等现代化教学设施,以及室外富有童趣的塑胶游乐场大型玩具、沙地、种植园等。幼儿园在设施设备的建设和投资中坚持环保和人性化原则,园内鸟语花香,安全舒适,是孩子们活动的家园。
Ielts BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN (YARSY BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN) is located in the city of guangzhou sea bead area south road, east star bright dawn inside the village near the park with supporting KINDERGARTEN, station, bus station, the transportation is convenient. Ielts bilingual kindergarten is designed for middle-income families opened features bilingual kindergarten. It adopts the bilingual teaching method as well as the theme of montessori education teaching mode, make the child in the good learning environment sino-german, wisdom, body, etc. Comprehensive development for ielts bilingual kindergarten adheres to the tenet of preschool education by providing personalized, potential development and interest in life experience, training, study and practice senses, habits, improve education quality and the teaching idea, as a child, and provide education through education survival development of children.
Kindergarten covers an area of 2,200 m2, seven classes, with complete functions of modern dance in the classroom teaching of modern science, computer room, dormitory, bathroom, toilet, bathhouse disinfection, integrated, unit. Indoor with piano, closed-circuit TV, acoustics, air conditioning, computer, electronic machine, infrared sterilization lamp etc. With the large room matching music hall, room, science, the artroom, multi-function room parent-child modern teaching facilities, such as plastic playground outside wealthy tong qu big toy, sand, plantations, etc. Kindergartens in the construction and investment in facilities in environmental protection and humanized principle, niaoyuhuaxiang, safe and comfortable, is the children's activities.
第2个回答  2010-09-26
Ielts BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN (YARSY BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN) is located in the city of guangzhou sea bead area south road, east star bright dawn inside the village near the park with supporting KINDERGARTEN, station, bus station, the transportation is convenient. Ielts bilingual kindergarten is designed for middle-income families opened features bilingual kindergarten. It adopts the bilingual teaching method as well as the theme of montessori education teaching mode, make the child in the good learning environment sino-german, wisdom, body, etc. Comprehensive development for ielts bilingual kindergarten adheres to the tenet of preschool education by providing personalized, potential development and interest in life experience, training, study and practice senses, habits, improve education quality and the teaching idea, as a child, and provide education through education survival development of children.
Kindergarten covers an area of 2,200 m2, seven classes, with complete functions of modern dance in the classroom teaching of modern science, computer room, dormitory, bathroom, toilet, bathhouse disinfection, integrated, unit. Indoor with piano, closed-circuit TV, acoustics, air conditioning, computer, electronic machine, infrared sterilization lamp etc. With the large room matching music hall, room, science, the artroom, multi-function room parent-child modern teaching facilities, such as plastic playground outside wealthy tong qu big toy, sand, plantations, etc. Kindergartens in the construction and investment in facilities in environmental protection and humanized principle, niaoyuhuaxiang, safe and comfortable, is the children's activities.
第3个回答  2010-09-26
第4个回答  2010-09-29
IELTS is a bilingual kindergarten at Fairview Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou Star City area inside Dongxiao supporting kindergartens, parks nearby subway station, bus station, and convenient transportation. IELTS bilingual kindergarten is designed for the general middle-income families the characteristics of bilingual kindergarten classes. It uses the integrated approach the subject of bilingual education and the Montessori teaching method, so a good learning environment for children in Germany, intellectual, physical and other aspects of comprehensive development. IELTS Bingzhe bilingual kindergarten for the children the purpose of providing individualized education, focusing on potential interest in the development and training, life experience, sensory learning, hands-on brain, focusing on habits, capacity enhancement and quality education to the concept of education for young children to survive and develop children's potential through education.
Nursery area of 2200 square meters, opened seven classes, with fully functional modern dance studio, modern science and computer teaching room, bedroom, bathroom, sterilization room, bathroom, dressing room in one, since as units. Room with a piano, TV, stereo, air conditioning, computers, drinking fountains, infrared lights, electronic sterilization. Matched with the activity room has a large concert hall, reading room, science room, art room, multi-functional parent-child activity rooms and other modern teaching facilities, and outdoor playground full of childlike large plastic toys, sand, plantations and so on. The construction of kindergarten facilities and equipment and investment in environmental protection and adhere to the principles of humanity, the park flowers, safe and comfortable, the activities of the children to their homes.
第5个回答  2010-09-29
雅思双语幼儿园(YARSY BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN)是一所位于广州市海珠区东晓南路锦绣星城小区里面的配套幼儿园,园区附近设有地铁站,公交车站,交通便利。雅思双语幼儿园是面向广大中等收入家庭设计开班的特色双语幼儿园。它采用了双语教学的主题整合方式以及蒙特梭利教学方式,使孩子在良好的学习环境中德、智、体等方面全面发展. 雅思双语幼儿园秉着为幼儿提供个性化教育的宗旨,注重潜能开发和兴趣培养,生活体验,感官学习,动手动脑,注重习惯培养,能力提高和素质教育的教学理念,为幼儿提供生存教育,并通过教育开发幼儿的潜能。
幼儿园占地面积2200平方米,开设7个班级,设有功能齐全的现代化舞蹈教室,现代科学电脑教学室、寝室、 盥洗室、消毒间、卫生间、更衣室于一体,自成单元。室内配有钢琴、闭路电视、音响、空调、电脑、饮水机、红外线电子灭菌灯等。与活动室相配套的有大型音乐厅、阅览室、科学室、美术室、多功能亲子活动室等现代化教学设施,以及室外富有童趣的塑胶游乐场大型玩具、沙地、种植园等。幼儿园在设施设备的建设和投资中坚持环保和人性化原则,园内鸟语花香,安全舒适,是孩子们活动的家园。

IELTS bilingual kindergarten (YARSY BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN) is a located in Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Fairview Road, Star City area inside Dongxiao supporting kindergartens, parks nearby subway station, bus station, and convenient transportation. IELTS bilingual kindergarten is designed for the general middle-income families the characteristics of bilingual kindergarten classes. It uses the integrated approach the subject of bilingual education and the Montessori teaching method, so a good learning environment for children in Germany, intellectual, physical and other aspects of comprehensive development. IELTS Bingzhe bilingual kindergarten for the children the purpose of providing individualized education, focusing on potential interest in the development and training, life experience, sensory learning, hands-on brain, focusing on habits, capacity enhancement and quality education to the concept of education for young children to survive and develop children's potential through education.
Nursery area of 2200 square meters, the creation of seven classes, with fully functional modern dance studio, modern science and computer teaching room, bedroom, bathroom, sterilization room, bathroom, dressing room in one, since as units. Room with a piano, TV, stereo, air conditioning, computers, drinking fountains, infrared lights, electronic sterilization. Matched with the activity room has a large concert hall, reading room, science room, art room, multi-functional parent-child activity rooms and other modern teaching facilities, and outdoor playground full of childlike large plastic toys, sand, plantations and so on. The construction of kindergarten facilities and equipment and investment in environmental protection and adhere to the principles of humanity, the park flowers, safe and comfortable, the activities of the children to their homes.