

抱歉回复得晚了。总的价格是1565美金。我的PP账户是美国账户,就算用personal payment方式转账,可能还是会产生手续费,我希望我们各付一半的手续费,请问你能接受吗?

抱歉回复得晚了。总的价格是1565美金。我的PP账户是美国账户,就算用personal payment方式转账,可能还是会产生手续费,我希望我们各付一半的手续费,请问你能接受吗?

Dear xxxx,
Sorry for the late reply. The total price is USD 1565. My PP account is an US account, even if we make the transfer by means of personal payment, the handling charge will be incurred. So we hope that each of our two parties can pay half of the handling charge respectively, please kindly confirm whether you can accept this expense.

Thanks & Best Regards,

第1个回答  2014-09-15
抱歉回复得晚了。总的价格是1565美金。我的PP账户是美国账户,就算用personal payment方式转账,可能还是会产生手续费,我希望我们各付一半的手续费,请问你能接受吗?
I am sorry to reply you so late. the total price is 1565 US dollars. My PP account is USA account. If I used "personal payment" to transfer accounts, it probably involved fees. I hope we each other pay half of the fees , could you accept it ?
第2个回答  2014-09-15
Sorry to reply so late. The total price is $1565. My PP account is America account, even with the personal payment fund, may produce charges, I hope we each pay half the fee, can you accept?用的就是翻译器
第3个回答  2014-09-15
Sorry reply too late. The total price is 1565 dollars. My PP account is U.S. account, even with personal payment method transfer, may still generate fees, I hope we each pay half of the fee, would you accept it?
第4个回答  2014-09-15
I'm sorry to reply so late.The total price is $1565.My PP account is the account.Even with the personal transfer payment way, is likely to produce poundage, I hope we each pay half of the fee, can you accept? 来自有道翻译。。