求2011年考研及之前考研的前辈 关于 考研 英语 语法的 问题!

对于 英语 语法,高中时我学过,当时学的还凑活,记得学了好多从句,,那部分 我相信我重新看看 会能 拾起来

但是有个问题,,,,有人说 考研 英语 复习 要分析真题,,,说 真题每一句话都尽量分析 句子成分什么的。

请问各位考过的前辈,从句什么的我能看出来,,但是要是一个句子让我分的太细的,什么 谓语 状语 表语的 就好混了,用把句子分析的那么细致么??还是能看出 那部分从句 那部分主句能理解意思就行??



由though, although,even as,even if, even though,while,whereas,whether…or…,"no matter +疑问词" 或"疑问词+后缀ever" 引导,如:

【真题例句】A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming "I wanted to spend more time with my family".(2001阅读5)

【结构分析】本句主语为A lateral move(一次平级调动,move作名词),that引导限制性定语从句that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress修饰先行词move。谓语部分从prompted开始直到最后。其中包含了although引导的让步状语从句,并被方式状语in the manner of a disgraced government minister分隔。句末的by claiming "I wanted to spend more time with my family"也作covered的状语,说明covered的方式。


【真题例句】Although the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is increasing.(2006完形)

【结构分析】本句主干在逗号后,analysts do agree on another matter,冒号后为具体的解释说明。句首部分为although引导的让步状语从句。


【真题例句】Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy's long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt tightening.(2004阅读3)

【结构分析】该句为并列句。审题时,迅速注意到and前后都有主语出现,为两个并列分句,抓住主干"消费者似乎只是有些担心,而不是恐慌;而且许多人说……",再观察say后的宾语从句,包含一个由even as 引导的让步状语从句。翻译此从句时,我们仍然可以由小到大,"许多人表示尽管他们在缩减开支,但对于经济的长期前景,仍然是乐观的。"还原全句,翻译如下:


【真题例句】The world's three top central bankers (Greenspan, Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet, even if one of them really uses Japanese characters.(2004阅读2)

【结构分析】该句子为主从复合句,主句为主系表结构The world's three top central bankers…are all close to the top of the alphabet,逗号后even if引导让步状语从句,them指代the three top central bankers。翻译为"即使其中一位用的是日本名字。"


【真题例句】In fact,though,we are extremely sensitive to smells,even if we do not generally realize it.(2005完形)

【结构分析】本句是复合句。去掉句首的介宾in fact所作的状语,再去掉副词though(译为"然而"),得到主句we are extremely sensitive to smells…,包含一个even if引导的让步状语从句。


【真题例句】In other words,whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize,those differences are swamped by how well each person "encodes" the information.(2007阅读1)

【结构分析】本句为主从复合句。whatever引导一个让步状语从句,逗号后those differences are swamped…为主句,由一个被动语态构成。其中by后的宾语是一个how+adj.引导的从句。


【真题例句】Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters, whether it's knowing when to guess or what questions to skip. (2007阅读2)

【结构分析】本句的主干为Anyone…will testify that…。主语anyone后为who引导的定语从句,谓语动词testify后的宾语由that引导的宾语从句充当。在此从句中,包含一个whether…or…引导的让步状语从句whether it's knowing…or…,其中宾语部分分别由关系副词"when+不定式"及关系代词"which+不定式充当"。


【真题例句】I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.(2006-48)

【结构分析】本句的主干在句首,I have excluded him…,后面的because引导一个原因状语从句,在此从句中,又包含一个while引导的让步状语从句while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems。


【真题例句】While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.(2007-50)

【结构分析】本句是复合句。句首部分是while引导的让步状语从句,与主句it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments构成让步关系。在主句中,it作形式主语,真正主语部分为后面的不定式to rely on…。


【真题例句】While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.(2009-48)

【结构分析】本句是复合句。While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition是让步状语从句,其中it作形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to ignore…,ignore的宾语部分,由状语in our contact with them分隔,连接后应为to ignore the effect of our acts upon their disposition,主句部分在逗号后,包含了一个比较结构。


【真题例句】For example, in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.(2000-74)

【结构分析】本句的主干是the process of industrialization…was spread over nearly a century。前面是地点状语in the early industrialized countries of Europe,第一个破折号后是介词结构表伴随,其中that followed是定语从句修饰先行词changes,第二个破折号后为被动语态构成的谓语,句末部分whereas引导了一个表示对比关系的从句,whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so,在这里译为"然而",相当与while。


【真题例句】A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.(2001阅读1)

【结构分析】逗号前是本句的主句A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists…,现在分词结构coming together nationally within one or two specific societies作professional geologists的后置定语。whereas引导让步状语从句,翻译为"然而"。

第1个回答  2011-03-03
第2个回答  2011-03-02
第3个回答  2011-03-03