


  Yongxin County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province under the jurisdiction of the county, is located in Jiangxi West, Luoxiao mountains in central, adjacent to the eastern Hunan, Jinggangshan City in the south, West in Chaling County of Hunan Province, northwest in, Lianhua County, Pingxiang city bordering, North adjoin Anfu county, East even Ji'an County, Southeast adjacent Taihe County, 25 townships, 238 administrative villages jurisdiction, county land area of 2195 square kilometers, with a total population of 52 00000, Han Jiang Youmin system and the rural population 42.3 million.
  永新是井冈山革命根据地的重要组成部分,是“三湾改编”、“龙源口大捷”所在地,境内有毛泽东的 “塘边调查”所在地和全国第一个农村党支部——秋溪党支部,井冈山第二个军事根据地——九陇山革命根据地等红色景观400多处,革命文物1万余件。
  Yongxin is the Jinggangshan Revolutionary according to an important part, is "adaptation of the three Bay," Lungyuankou victory "location, the territory of Mao Zedong's pond to investigate local and national first rural Party branches, Party branch of Fall Creek, Jinggangshan second military base -- nine Longshan revolution according to more than 400 more red landscape, revolutionary cultural relics 1 million pieces of.