
假设你是李华,明年即将进入大学学习,但是不知道怎么样适应大学的生活。请你就以下大学新生常遇到的情况给北京大学校长写一封信,寻求建议。1. 在生活中不会照顾自己;2. 感到孤独,经常想家;3. 钱物容易丢失4. 对食物、气候不适应;5. 校外租房现象。注意:1. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。2. 150词左右。Dear President,YoursLi Hua

Dear President,
I’m a senior 3 student and I’m going to university next year. But I’m worried about the university life and I’m afraid I can’t adjust to the new environment. So I want to ask for some advice on how to adapt myself to the new life in a short time.
It’s said that most freshmen are confused by the sudden change of their environment and don’t know how to deal with it. They can’t take care of themselves and always feel lonely and homesick. What is more, they may sometimes lose their money, mobile phones and many other things. They even fall ill because of the new climate and food. In addition, some students who feel uneasy to live with others prefer to live out of campus.
As a pre-university student, I want to maintain a meaningful life in the university. Could you tell me how to deal with the problems mentioned above and make my university life more wonderful?
Thank you very much!
Li Hua

【亮点说明】So I want to ask for some advice on how to adapt myself to the new life in a short time.这句话是疑问词+不定式做宾语, It’s said that most freshmen are confused by the sudden change of their environment and don’t know how to deal with it. 这句话是it做形式主语的句子, some students who feel uneasy to live with others prefer to live out of campus.这句话用了定语从句, Could you tell me how to deal with the problems mentioned above and make my university life more wonderful?这句话有过去分词做后置定语,还有范文里面还用了 What is more, In addition,这样的关联词,使文章更连贯。