

B: Hi, sir, is there anyting I can help?
A: yes. I'm looking for a pair of shoes for my son, but i'm not sure which one he will like?
B: well, do you know what brand does your son likes?
A: He likes Nike. I remember last time he told me that he wishes he could've a pair of Nike shoes.
B: we just got some new Nike shoes, they are allnew design that the most teenage would like. How old is yoour son?
A: He is sixteen, but after four days will be his seventeen birthday, so, I want to give him a surprise.
B: wow, that's great! You are a great father.What size does your son wear?
A: about 9.5.(美国尺寸)
B: These are all 9.5 ft. we have red, yellow, green, silver, and dark colors. Do you know what color does your son likes?
A: i'm not sure, i guess he might favours dark color. I saw him wearing black shoes some times.
B: Then this one might fits him very well.
A: Let me see. yes, it looks preet good. I think my son will like it.I will have this one. How much is it?
B: The original price is one hundred dollar but now we have a twenty percent off for any shoes in the store. Thus, you really come on time, because today is our last day on sale.
A: Do you accept credit car?
B: Yes.Thank you very much and have a nice day.
A: Thank you!追问

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