

~ (to do sth)
| ~ (that...)
unhappy or showing unhappiness 悲哀的;难过的;显得悲哀的 :
We are very sad to hear that you are leaving. 听说你要走了,我们十分难过。 ◊
I was sad that she had to go. 知道她得走了,我心裏很难过。 ◊
She looked sad and tired. 她看上去又伤心又疲惫。 ◊
I felt terribly sad about it. 我对此深感遗憾。 ◊ He gave a slight, sad smile. 他露出一丝苦笑。
◊ The
divorce left him sadder and wiser (= having learned from the
unpleasant experience). 离婚使他痛苦,也使他长了心眼儿。

~ (to do sth)
| ~ (that...)
that makes you feel unhappy 令人悲哀的;让人难过的 :
a sad story 悲伤的故事
◊ It was sad to see them go.
看着他们离去,真让人难过。 ◊ It is sad that so many of his
paintings have been lost. 他的画作有很多已经失传了,真可惜。
◊ We had
some sad news yesterday. 昨天我们听到一些不幸的消息。
◊ He's a sad
case—his wife died last year and he can't seem to manage without her. 他是个不幸的人 —— 去年死了老婆,而没她他好像就过不下去。