

"Spring Festival Gala" is the English translation for "春节联欢晚会". Here is the refined content with corrections and improvements:
1. Definition: The Spring Festival Gala is a variety show that takes place during the Chinese New Year celebration, often referred to as the Spring Festival.
2. Pinyin: The correct pronunciation of "春节联欢晚会" in Mandarin is "Chūn Jiē Lián Huán Wǎn Hè".
3. Example: The Spring Festival Gala has become a platform for comedy skits, which have accordingly become a part of the social culture during this festive season.
4. Additional Information:
- Festival: This term refers to a gathering or event that celebrates music, drama, films, or other artistic forms, and can also denote a festive occasion or holiday.
- Gala: A gala is a festive or promotional event, often involving performances or sports competitions.
By refining the content, the aim is to enhance the quality and clarity of the information provided, ensuring that the meaning remains unchanged.