我租房子的经过作文300 字


第1个回答  2022-11-12









as to this question, I will absolutely choose the second anser, rent ahouse. there is o reason as follows:first of all, renting a house will be very convenient,you can choose any where you like to live. once you feel boring with this place,youcan change easily. secondly, rentting a house will be much cheaper than buying a house, in china, the whole expenditure of renting house for whole life even less than the price of buying a house. in conclusion ,i will rent ahouse.


LujiazuiCBDWonderful river view,fully furnished,125 sqw,3BR,2 baths,state-pf-the-art kitchen.Car park available.Rent:RMB 10,000 per monthDeposit:RMB10,000 yuanAvailability:6 July,2005Unwele: pets, *** okersFacilities:TV, Fridge,Washing machine,Air-conditioner,Phone lineNOTEs: This is a brand-new 3-bedroom apartment,located in a quiet,new housing area in LujiazuiCBD,close to schools and supermarkets.It is an ideal home for a young family or a couple.With a fully furnished kitchen,3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.


About is rent good or buy a house good, today's debate a lot. Have to live oneself property is not in this life must do, rent housing is a normal state. Buy not to buy a house, also is pletely private matter, everything depends on individual of judgement of the situation, depends on the individual tendency of opportunity cost. Somebody thinks that house prices have already arrived peak can shot somebody thinks will housing realizable investing in the stock market will earn more, this all by individual character judgement decision. A person's life will end up buying a few times room? China modity market development time too short, unable to have accurate conclusions. However, from America's largest real estate pany subdivision of pulte 11 kinds of customers will get some enlightenments. Pulte customer segmentation is as follows: the first home ownership, perennial work flow personage, single work dink family, double work dink family, have baby couples, single-parent families, mature family, rich mature family, empty nester family, older lone noble, active elders. So that a person's life, the demand for residential, will experience at least one of the four or five subdivision stage. We can say so, buy a house property is a must for many times in life urbanite is a major consumption activities, the difference is only, someone is careful planning investment, and someone just loft-bed land market. Do oneself can instalment burden of residential person, cannot be called a mortgage slave, by contrast, long-term renting ability is more like a mortgage slave. Because, rent, is for the landlord jobs, and never change from slavery mainly of opportunity. Actually most time, buy a suit oneself financial status of the property, in addition to recover, every month of the reimbursement and personal own rent rent, is similar in...






电话号码是:ROOM TO LETNorth District, Two bedroom unit, One bedroom for rent, Own bathroom, Furniture and telephone, Shared kitchen. $150 per week inclusive of water and electricity Please call Mrs Lin on the number of 02 1111求租住房本人,单身,急求城里附近的住房,希望与人合租,最好有专用浴室和电话。



姓名,电话是:ROOM WANTEDWoman, Single, Want to share a mendation, Near the city, Prefer own bathroom and telephone, Willing to pay $140-170 per week, Please call Mr Chen on 021111.



你好,很高兴为你解答:3个饼图 pie charts 雅思写作应注意一下几点:1、注重写好文章的框架我曾经问过我们世纪雅思的外教老师, 外国人看文章最注重的是什么, 他告诉我说是文章的framework. 即一篇文章好不好, 首先看的不是他的句型, 词汇, 或是论点等。

而是段落之间的衔接一定要十分清楚,我们不能老是采用大三段的形式-开头,经过, 结尾。

我们可以多用用连接词, 例如:first of all, morever, secondly, lastly等,另外可以多分自然段, 给考官一目了然的感觉。

还有我们可以多看看国外的文章, 看看他们的写作模式, 我当初写文章的时候, 用的就是我看到一篇国外文章的模式,我觉得可以套用, 我最后介绍给大家。

2、句型的多样化如果一篇文章, 从头到尾, 永远用的只有一种句型, 那么这篇文章一定拿不到高分,我们可以适当的改换一下句型, 我给大家一定建议,希望给大家有点帮助。

3、基本句型包括 Ⅰ.主谓句;Ⅱ. There be;Ⅲ. 主系表结构的句子;Ⅳ. 被动语态(我看到一张帖字说, 不要用被动, 我不这样认为, 国外的文章, 用被动的也比比皆是。

)4、复杂句型 包括 Ⅰ. 并列句;Ⅱ. 从句(定语,状语,名词性,非谓语)5.词汇的Variety说实话做到这点真的很难, 首先你要有庞大的词汇量,第二你要用的恰当,不出错误。


当然大家可以累计一些固定搭配的词汇,例如:激烈的竞争 fierce petition等6、多举EXAMPLE(重要)大家不要小看这点, 我认为对于写作基础不是很好的考生来说, 这点是最重要的。

一篇文章如果让你从头到尾都在讲道理, 你有这么多话要说吗?而且有时候还不一定说的清楚。


我认识一个朋友, 可以说她的英语基础很差, 但她的文章也拿了6分, 我问她怎么写的, 她告诉我说就是拼命的举例子。

就这点我也曾问过外教老师, 他曾是IELTS的考官, 他说考官欢迎考生多举例子。

7、建议:1)、写文章最关键的就是审题千万不要出错误, 不然就前功尽弃了。

2)例如我积累的句子:Cultivate independenceDevelop a strong sense of responsibilityEnhance social awarenessBuild up one's confidence and offer one's a sense of achievement—realize ones value and capacityWiden one's horizon and sharp one's character这些句子比较常用, 而且在口语考试中也可以派上用处。

最后给大家介绍一种写作模式,我觉得很不错:With unprecedented advances in medical technology, a debate has developed over whether or not a person on life support has the right to die. On one side of the debate are those who say that...... On the other side is the view that...... In my mind, I pletely agree/disagree the later .There is no denying that ......has many positive effects. To begin with,......Secondly, ...... Finally, ......However, every coin has its o sides. ......is no exception. Many opponents say that ......To conclude, .....祝你取得理想雅思成绩!!!如果你需要雅思学习资料和雅思备考资料可以在百度HI里和我沟通,我传给你~~

More and more students like to live off campus rather than on campus nowadays. There have been o opposing views about living off campus. One view states that renting a house outside campus is better. Another view, in contrast to the first one, believes that it is more harm than good to live off campus. I would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renting a house off campus.

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