以《i like this book》为题写一篇英语作文(五六句就行了)


I like reading very much. When I was a small girl, I was interested in reading picture books on science and history. At the age of seven, I entered a primary school and began to read more books. Now I am a middle school student. I have many subjects to learn. Every day I must finish a lot of homework. I am very busy. But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books. One day my young sister brought me a book Xl YOU J I.I read the book with GREat interest. I like Monkey King very much.
第1个回答  2015-04-08
The book I like most is 'How to be a man'. In this book the stodies about many
world famous people
were told. These people included the most successful entrepreneur, film directors, actors, inventors, scientists, football
stars and athletes. How they grew up from a child to a man, a successful man
were illustrated in details. Through reading the book, I have learned that most
of the great people started their career from doing simple things, which is very
different from many people's belief that every successful man had a big
ambition when they were very young. I think it is very import for us, the pupils
in school, to understand it. We have to start our life from the first simple step.本回答被网友采纳