英语翻译成德语 救命的 拜托 越快越好

Motor Vehicle Driving Licence of the People’s Republic of China

Certificate Number: 460022198303084548
Name: Chen Danli
Gender: Female
Nationality: P.R.China
Address: No. 8, Hong Mao Po Village, Yuan Dui Village Committee, Jin Shan Town, Wen Chang City, Hainan Province.
Birthday: March 08,1983
Issue Date: May 26,2010
Class: C 1
Valid From: May 26, 2010
Valid for: 6 Years
Seal: The Traffic Police Head Office of Hainan provincial Public Security

Categories of vehicles for which licence is valid

A1 Buses and class A3, B1, B2 C4 Three wheel motor vehicles
A2 Trucks and class B1, B2, M D Three-wheel motorcycle and class E
A3 City Bus and class C1 E Two wheel Motorcycle and class F
B1 Medium-sized bus and class C1, M F Light motorcycles
B2 Large-scale truck and C1, M M Wheel typed-self propel machinery
C1 Automobiles and class C2, C3 N Trolley buses
C2 Auto -transmission Automobiles P Trams
C3 Low-speed truck and C4

No other agencies or individuals are allowed to detain this licence except the Public Security Vehicle Administration Office.
原稿是中文,翻译成了英文,哪位能帮忙翻成德文?? 拜托了
A1 Buses and class A3, B1, B2 C4 Three wheel motor vehicles
A2 Trucks and class B1, B2, M D Three-wheel motorcycle and class E
A3 City Bus and class C1 E Two wheel Motorcycle and class F
B1 Medium-sized bus and class C1,M F Light motorcycles
B2 Large-scale truck and C1, M M Wheel typed-self propel machinery
C1 Automobiles and class C2, C3 N Trolley buses
C2 Auto -transmission Automobiles P Trams
C3 Low-speed truck and C4

Kfz-Führerschein der Volksrepublik China
Zertifikat-Nummer: 460022198303084548
Name: Chen, Danli
Geschlecht: weiblich
Nationalität: P. R. China
Adresse: Nr. 8, Hong Mao Po Village, Yuan Dui Village Ausschuss, Jin Shan Town, Wen Chang City, Provinz Hainan.
Geburtstag: 08. März 1983
Ausstellungsdatum: 26. Mai 2010
Klasse: C 1
Gültig ab: 26. Mai 2010
Gültig für: 6 Jahre
Siegel: Das Traffic Police Head Office der Provinz Hainan Public Security Department.

Kategorien von Fahrzeugen, für die Lizenz gültig ist:

A1 Busse und Klasse A3, B1, B2 C4 dreirädrigen Kraftfahrzeugen
A2 Trucks und Klasse B1, B2, M D dreirädrigen Motorrad und E-Klasse
A3 City Bus und Klasse C1 E Zweirad Motorrad-und F-Klasse
B1 mittleres Bus und Klasse C1,M F Leichtkrafträder
B2 Große Lkw-und C1, M M Wheel-self Maschinen
C1 Automobile und der Klasse C2, C3 N Trolleybusse
C2 Auto-Getriebe Automobiles P Trams
C3 Low-Speed-Lkw und C4

第1个回答  2010-09-02