

A: i think a true friend is a close friend (我认为一个真正的朋友是一个亲密的朋友)

B: i don‘t think all what you say is right (我认为你说的不全对)

C: i agree with B. i guess that a true friend is a friend that we can help each other(我觉得小B说的对,我觉得真正的朋友时能相互帮助对方的彼此)

B: especially when we need help greatly. (尤其是在我们需要帮助的时候)

C: and when we are in trouble or in danger.(还有在我们有麻烦或者危险的时候)

A: OH, YES. i think a saying: a friend in need is a friend indeed.(哦,对,有一句话说的是“患难朋友才是真朋友”)

B, C: yeah. so it is .(嗯,说的没错)

A. i hope we are such friends(我希望咱们能这样的朋友)

B,C: we have the same idea.(跟我们想的一样)

A,B and C: we are true friends .we should help each other. (我们是真正的好朋友,我们该相互帮助~)
