高中英语作文 my favorite city 首尔 英语作文 最好带翻译 急需!!!


Beijing,one of the most beautiful cities in the world,is one of my favorite cities.There are many interest places to go in Beijing.There are three that I like most,and they are Forbidden City,Tienanmen Square,and Great Wall.I still remember the first time that I went to Beijing.It was summer time,and I really feel tired after I visited the Great Wall,because the weather is too hot.Besides these interest places,I also love the food in Beijing.For example,the Peking duck and hot pot are my favorite.Thus,Beijing is my favorite city.

第1个回答  2015-04-05
Beijing,one of the most beautiful cities in the world,is one of my favorite cities.There are many interest places to go in Beijing.There are three that I like most,and they are Forbidden City,Tienanmen Square,and Great Wall.I still remember the first time that I went to Beijing.It was summer time,and I really feel tired after I visited the Great Wall,because the weather is too hot.Besides these interest places,I also love the food in Beijing.For example,the Peking duck and hot pot are my favorite.Thus,Beijing is my favorite city.本回答被网友采纳