

ome say, college, now no longer means that the fate of the change, even in the reverse change the fate.Mr. CAI yuanpei once taught students of pku: each of you to do, have little confidence, training so a two interests, and my mind always think so a question or two.And I always want to mind as "a question or two" is: why do we want to go to college. The university, especially on a famous university, can always become a last-borns pride in the capital, the neighborhood is the talk of the neighborhood after-dinner speaking. I'd think, the university should have more pure purpose, such ability won't cut class, to do the exam, do not themselves in love, a copper fumes stink, become cynical, and four years shaoguang wasted, regret at the beginning.In the university you can develop your own interests hobbies, exercise their communication skills, these are all will come to work on the use of ability. College life exerts a subtle influence on the your outlook on life,university of the return or a good thing. 有人说,大学,现在不再意味着命运的改变,即使是在相反的改变命运。蔡元培曾经教授北大的学生每个人都对你做,没什么信心,训练所以两个兴趣,我的头脑总是这么想一两个问题。而且我一直想思想作为“一两个问题”是:为什么我们要去上大学。  大学,特别是在一个有名的大学,总是可以成为一个老小骄傲在首都附近的邻居说的餐后演讲。  我认为,大学应该有更多的纯粹的目的,这样才不会逃课,应付考试,不要自己在爱铜烟臭味,愤世嫉俗,和四年韶光浪费了,后悔在开始。在大学里你可以培养自己的兴趣爱好爱好,锻炼他们的沟通技能,这些都是将工作市区
第1个回答  2014-01-13
第2个回答  2014-01-13
就写 丰富自己的知识,找到好工作 等等吧