
有一天,众神见天气晴好,便在河畔设宴。爱好音乐的众 神们快乐的唱歌和弹奏乐器,气氛相当热烈。突然传来凌厉的叫声,这是肩膀下长出一百尾蛇、拥有大羽翼的怪物杰凡。众神一看不妙,四处逃走。

One day, the gods see sunny weather, a banquet at the riverside. Hobby music of the gods happy singing and playing an instrument, a warm atmosphere. There was a sudden noisea sharp sound, it is under the shoulder grow tail of snake, with large wings one hundred monster jie all that. A look at the gods, escape all around.
第1个回答  2014-05-17
i am cooking one day the gods see the weather is fine they hosted a dinner at the riverside Music-Loving gods joyful singing and playing musical instruments the atmosphere was quite warm suddenly came the sharp cry which is under. the shoulder grow a hundred snake tail with large wings monster jie fan gods look bad,four escape