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In China's economy and science and technology increasingly developed today, the film this mass entertainment project since the birth of the popular favorite, more and more people into the cinema to enjoy a visual gluttonous feast. With the growing trend of the mobile Internet era, more and more people are more popular in the application of the Internet, you can view the viewing information anytime, anywhere online booking, so like Guevara, cat eye movies and many Ticketing sites and video games such as watercress and other sites like mushroomed. And most of the cinema system is only used for simple summary of the ticket data summary, for the user is more through other ticketing website to buy movie tickets, and once the user appears a refund and other requirements of the theater is inconvenient to deal with the second is detrimental to the reputation of the theater And performance. A complete set of movie ticketing systems, including user inquiries, select seats, orders, critics, and cinema administrator background sales data management, cinema, and other functions, are an urgent need for cinema.