How to maintain friendship?


How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊

以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。




Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it's just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other's differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.


1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。

2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。





Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends' feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.


1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。

2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。





Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend's emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.


1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。

2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。


