请懂英语翻译的帮我翻译一下:Whether divination is superstitious or not, in fact?

Whether divination is superstitious or not, in fact, if there is no prerequisite, it is difficult to have a discussion result. Because even a research result that everyone admits to be scientific will become superstitious in the hands of a fool. For example, the theory of cosmic explosion put forward by scientists is also used by some foolish people to say which planet is going to explode. Therefore, whether divination is superstitious or not should be discussed If the discussion is based on the behavior of squatting on the street to defraud money, it is undoubtedly superstition. But if we analyze it from an academic point of view, we should not say it is superstition. Just like the current academic view of geomantic omen, in the view of architects, geomantic omen theory is actually a building code in ancient China, which is the classic of ancient architects When Fengshui is mystified by those ignorant people, they are charged with superstition. Divination is based on the summary of a large number of events. In suanmianzhun.com other words, it is based on the summary of social experience. Any phenomenon, if it goes through enough statistical analysis process, will also find out the regularity. For example, a 40 year old man in front of you The first judgment is that he should have the experience of going to school, working and starting a family. For a male baby, he would never have such a judgment. This is the result of an ordinary person's observation and statistics of such social phenomena. Some people call it social experience. At present, scholars believe that the earliest Chinese book on divination, the words in each of the 64 hexagrams above, are actually fulfilled Generally speaking, as a social person, personal experience must have the common characteristics and generality of society, and the way of divination has the characteristics of statistics, so it's no surprise that personal experience can be said accurately. Of course, divination is not equal to statistics, and divination is not enough There are some methods of their own. These methods can make people engaged in divination speak more accurately. But I always think that those diviners on the street who talk nonsense are basically for a living. There is no basis to say that they are superstitious.
