


作业拖延症英语作文:I had procrastination in elementary school. In elementary school, my homework was not large and simple, so my procrastination started at that time.

As I got older, my procrastination became more and more obvious. I started to save difficult questions. 

In the end, I finished the questions and only the difficult problems were left, but I didn't know how to do it. As a result, one day has passed and my homework is still not finished.

My procrastination is not just not being able to finish or not, but also my learning efficiency.

When I was doing my homework, I soon felt a stomachache, so I went to the toilet, and it took half an hour to go to the toilet. 

I obviously don’t want to write an essay. I drink a sip of water later, go to the toilet later, eat a snack later... I should have finished writing essays in half an hour, but I will do this for a while, and then for a while, time slips away like this Up.

Because of procrastination, I have to write my homework until ten o'clock every day. I have to be criticized by my mother, saying that I write slowly, I am also very sad, and my mother is also angry.

So, from now on, I want to preview tomorrow’s homework and do the homework first, so that I can finish the homework quickly and write the correct homework tomorrow, and make full preparations.

I believe that as long as I can take something seriously, my procrastination will be cured!









第1个回答  2020-07-23


Due to the change of life style, children are always under the protection or "supervision" of teachers and parents. 

How many of their personalities are a little "not worried", plus people are lazy.


The reason why many children have a problem is called "procrastination".


To provide a suitable space for children to learn. Let the children do business in the living room. 

As a result,the father is lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.


Let the child write in the room to do business,he always buckle rope,also always want to go to bed to lie,these environment obviously should not arrive.


If the home condition is good, can decorate a study, general family, also can be used to open up a small corner.


The light and sound of this place should be suitable for learning, and the suitable environment can create more learning atmosphere.

