put on,wear,have on,be in,dress的共同点和不同之处有哪些?


put on着重于穿这个动作,例如It's cold outside,please put on the coat外面很冷,请穿上这件外衣

wear强调穿的衣服,例如The T-shirt you wore yesterday is beautiful.昨天,你穿的那件T-shrit很漂亮。. wear 除可表示穿衣外,还可表示戴表(花、纪念章等)以及留头发或胡须等

have on,从表示动作与状态来看:wear 和 have on 通常指穿著衣服的状态,put on 通常指穿衣的动作,而 dress 既可指动作也可以指状态。如:
She wore [had on] a new dress. 她穿著一件新衣服。
Put on your clothes quickly. 赶快穿上衣服。
She is dressing herself. 她在穿衣服。
She always dresses in black. 她总是穿黑衣服。
注:dress 还通常用於被动语态。如:
The girl was poorly dressed. 这女孩衣著寒酸。
He was dressed as a woman. 他男扮女装。
3. 从所使用的时态和语态来看:wear 和 have on 虽然都可表示穿衣的状态,但 wear 可用於进行时态和被动语态,而 have on 却既不可用於进行时态也不可用於被动语态。如:
He was wearing a new jacket. 他当时穿著一件新夹克。
Such clothes are not often worn nowadays. 现在那样的衣服很少有人穿了。

从所接宾语来看:dress 要接“人”作宾语(不接“衣”作宾语),而其余的则要接“衣”作宾语(而不接“人”作宾语)。
She dressed the baby. 她给婴儿穿衣服。
She was wearing her mother’s coat. 她穿她母亲的大衣。
Put your coat on when you go out. 出去时穿上外套。
She has a red jacket on. 她穿著一件红色的短上衣。
第1个回答  2010-08-05
1) wear是“穿着”,“戴着”的意思,为静态,可用于穿衣、穿鞋、戴帽子,戴手套、佩戴首饰等,强调状态。

I don't wear any hat. 我不戴眼镜。
Miss Roberts: I don't remember,sir. The man whom I served was wearing a hat.
罗伯茨小姐:我不记得了,先生. 我接待的那个人当时戴着礼帽。

2)put on指“戴上”,“穿上”,为动态,表示穿衣服的动作,其反义词是take off。

Put on your clothes穿上衣服
Manager: Would you put it on, please? Customer: All right.

Rachel: What does she mean?
Phoebe: I think she means (Imitates 模仿) 'You dance a dance class'. Oh, c'mon, c'mon. (They put

on some spare shoes)

3)dress 可作及物动词,有“穿着”,“打扮”的意思,为动态,但宾语通常是人,或反身代词,常用于被动语态但只用于穿衣,它既表示动作,又表状态。

常用于下列结构:dress sb / oneself(给某人穿衣服)、 dress well和be dressed in 等
She always dresses well. 她总是打扮得很漂亮。

Jim isn't old enough to dress himself.
Mary is dressing her doll.
4)have on 是“穿着”的意思,指穿的状态, 和wear类似,但have on不用于进行时态。
She has a red skirt on. ( = He’s wearing a red skirt . ) 她穿着红裙子。
5.)be in+表示颜色或衣服的词是系表结构,为静态,强调“穿着”“戴着”的状态。

The girl in white is my best friend. 穿着白色衣服的女孩是我最好的朋友本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-08-05
put on 穿上(还没有穿,将会穿) 侧重动作
have on穿着(衣服) 侧重状态 已经穿在身上了
WEAR 穿着(衣服) 戴着(手表,首饰。。) 侧重状态 已经穿上,但是还可以表示穿戴其他东西
dress后面一般是+oneself 帮某人穿衣服 i dress myself