

这是素材,选择几条,你自己组织一下,一些词 我写了翻译
Have you ever imagined an environment that is not green, full of waste, and unclean? Preserving and protecting(保护) our environment is one of the main goals(目标) of the government of every country in the world. A country when we can see an environment that is green, waste less and clean is surely a successful country. To have this, these are the ways:
• Recycle(循环回收) as many things as you can. Recycling things is the best way to lessen(缓解) and avoid(避免) global warming(全球变暖) and climate change.(气候变化)
• Avoid burning garbage(焚烧垃圾) to lessen global warming. Learn to sell and recycle things to be practica(可行的)l nowadays.
• Refrain(限制) from using air conditioner(空调). Instead use electric fans(电扇) than aircon. Air condition has chlorofluorocarbon. (一种化学物质)
• Plant (种植)vegetable on your own backyard. This will help you to prevent using cars to go to the market. This will also help in lessening air pollution(空气污染).
• Don't throw trashes everywhere. (不要乱丢垃圾)This will help in lessening pollutions in air, water, and land.
• Plant trees. These also help in lessening the air pollutions. This gives us oxygen(氧气) that we breathe.(呼吸)
• Turn off unused electric appliances.(关掉不使用的电气) These will lessen the energy conserve and avoid global warming.
• Avoid using cars if it is just a short distance trip. (短途旅行不要用汽车)It is a bad cause of the global warming and climate change.
• Avoid throwing chemicals in different places. (不要乱丢化学废弃物)This can cause pollutions like air pollutions, water pollutions and land pollution.