there is going to be/ going to have/ going to be什么区别


首先我们来看下there is going to be和there is going to have的大致意思:

there is going to be:词性为短语,其中there is为there be的现在时形式,表示存在;going to be则表示将要发生。

there is going to have:词性为短语,其中there is为there be的现在时形式,表示存在;going to have则表示将要拥有或经历。

通过下面的表格我们了解下there is going to be和there is going to have的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下there is going to be和there is going to have的用法区别:

1.基本意义:there is going to be表示将要发生某事,而there is going to have表示将要拥有某物或经历某事


- There is going to be a concert here tomorrow.


- They are going to have a new house.


2.词性:there is going to be是动词+介词短语,而there is going to have是动词+介词+动词短语


- There are going to be a lot of people participating in the event tomorrow.


- I am going to have my own car.


3.用法:there is going to be常用于表示未来某个时间或地点将会有某事物或事件发生,而there is going to have常用于表示未来某个时间或地点将会拥有某物或经历某事


- There is going to be an important meeting in the company next week.


- They are going to have a baby next year.


4.发音:there is going to be的英式发音为ðeər ɪz ˈɡəʊɪŋ tuː biː,而there is going to have的英式发音为ðeər ɪz ˈɡəʊɪŋ tuː hæv


- There is going to be a wonderful performance tonight.


- You are going to have a great day tomorrow morning.


5.语态:there is going to be可以用于被动语态,而there is going to have不能用于被动语态


- This project is going to be postponed.


- We are going to be assigned to different groups.


6.动词搭配:there is going to be常与表示事件或事物的名词搭配,而there is going to have常与表示拥有或经历的名词搭配


- There is going to be a surprise for you tomorrow.


- They are going to have a peaceful life.

