i did well in the race改为否定句


该句子改为否定句是:I didn't do well in the race.(我在比赛中表现不佳。)


肯定句变否定句变法规则 :

一 、有 be 动词( am 、is 、are )和情态动词( can 、could 、may 、must 、shoud 、 will 、 would 等)时,直接在be动词和情态动词后面加 not ,some变为any,and 变为 or ,too 变为either ,其他的照抄。

例如 :

①、I am a student. – I am not a student.

②、Amy is a good girl.–Amy is nota good girl.

③、These flowers are very beautiful.–These flowersare not very beautiful.

④、I can swim.–Ican't( can not ) swim.

⑤、There are some books on the table.–There are not anybooks on the table.

⑥、Jack is a doctor , too.–Jack is not a doctor , either.

⑦、I was a student ten years ago.–I was nota student ten years ago.

注 :⑴、 some 、and 用于肯定句中,any、or用于否定句和疑问句中。

⑵、was 是 is 和 are 的过去式,were 是 are 的过去式。

二、没有 be 动词( am 、is 、are )和情态动词( can 、could 、may 、must 、shoud 、 will 、 would 等)时,在动词前面加 don't 、doesn't 、didn't ,动词恢复成原型,some变为any,and 变为 or ,too 变为either ,其他的照抄。

例如 :

①、I like math.–I don't likemath.

②、Jack likes math, too.–Jack doesn't like math , either.

③、They like bananas and apples.–They don't like bananas orapples.

④、Lily gets up at six every morning.–Lily doesn't getup at six every morning.

⑤、His father likes playing football.–His father doesn't likeplaying football.

⑥、I went fishing yesterday.–l didn't gofishing yesterday.

注 : ⑴、当句子是一般过去时态时,在动词前加 didn't ,动词恢复成原型。

⑵、当句子是一般现在时态时,主语是第三人称单数时,在动词前加 doesn't ,动词恢复成原型;主语不是第三人称单数时,在动词前加 don't。

第1个回答  2022-07-16
这个句子的否定句用did not帮助构成。I didn't do well in the race.
第2个回答  2022-07-16
你好!否定句是I didn't do well in the race.