
you are what you eat 和 you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar的英文解释,包含释义,用法,例句,以及使用的情景,最好每个在一分半之内可以介绍完,谢谢

“ 人如其食 ”( You are what you eat ):饮食习惯忠实地反映了个人性格与生活环境,成为开启人心灵之门的一把钥匙。
2.A healthy diet: there is truth to the old saying “you are what you eat”. If you want to live a long and healthy life, make sure you maintain a healthy diet.

健康的饮食: 俗话说“吃什么就是什么”,这是有道理的,如果你想长寿健康的生活,你务必要保持一个健康的饮食。

you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
用蜜比用醋能捉到更多的苍蝇 意指用劝说和奉承比敌意和对抗更能赢得人心,或者好话比尖刻言词更管用。

3.Jack:Didn't you ever hear that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?You should try saying something nice to me.
