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Kino killed to kill them, also Coyotito were alive, they feel at ease, but are not happy.At dusk, they go back to the city, Kino is very tired, they have no home to return, so only to Kino brother Juan Tomas, Kino told Tomas things into, Tomas sympathize with them and let them live here.The next day, Kino with pearls, and to the dealer, the dealer admitted this pearl value does not poor, had a wealthy businessman to buy, Kino got a lot of money, he is very happy, and tell the also and his brother Tomas. Everyone is very happy, in order to give thanks, he gave Tomas some money.Kino had built a good house, also wearing expensive clothes, Coyotito can go to school.They eat well, drink good.Life is very happy.
The pearl in the rich merchant, a nightmare stories to start again