请大家帮我翻译成英语吧~~~ 要对的哦~~~

1: 他看上去脸色苍白,好像生病了,应该去医院。
(用到look seem)

2: 三月份他一直待在中国,现在要去英国。

3: 他看到那只狗,他感到恐惧,他想要逃走。
(用到see feel)

4: 我们对这个结果很满意,所以我们很开心。
(用到be satisfied with out )

He looked pale, and he seemed sick, he should go to the hospital.

2: in March he has been staying in China, now he is going to the United Kingdom.
3: He saw the dog and felt the fear, he wanted to get away.
4: We are very satisfied with this result out, so we are very happy.