What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The audiences don't like the final confrontation.
B. The disadvantages of Transformers 4 are more obvious thanadvantages.
C. Putting into too much what the director skilled posesnegative etct.
D. The director Bay only focuses on the 3-D works.

文章最后一段开头讲到“Theobvious question:Is it too much for its own good?”即然而,有个问题显而易见:是不是在自己的优势方面费时过多?接着展开来讲,影片最后的对峙持续了有将近一个小时,虽然场面宏大,效果震撼,但持续时间太长,以至于观众到最后感觉眼花缭乱,再也看不下去。该段中心句是第一句.也就是导演在自己擅长的方面投入太多.进而产生了负面影响。C项正确。