



- 形容词和副词:
- very 可以替换为 terribly, extremely, surprisingly, pretty, greatly, highly, badly, quite, simply, perfectly, totally 等。
- 例如,将 "He is very good" 改为 "He is extremely brilliant"。

- 描述性词汇:
- 用 "good" 时,可替换为 great, wonderful, excellent, fantastic, superb, terrific, meaningful, educational 等。
- 如 "The view is beautiful" 可改为 "The scenery is captivatingly attractive".

- 其他表达:
- "关于" 的替换短语:as to, as for, in regards to 等。
- "喜欢" 的替换短语:care for, be fond of, be keen on 等。
- "处理" 的替换词汇:settle, deal with, handle 等。
- "使用" 的替换:make use of, make the most of, take advantage of 等。
- "帮助" 的替换:do me a favor, give sb a hand。

- 常见表达的替换:
- "I think" 可以改为 I take the attitude that, I harbor the idea that。
- "I believe" 可以替换为 I have the confidence that, 或者用个人观点表达方式,如 Personally, From my point of view 等。
