

1、Henry Higgins: The streets will be strewn with the boies of men, shooting themselves for your sake before I’m done with you.

亨利 希金斯:等我把你教好了,整条街都将堆满男人的尸体,他们会争着向你求婚决斗致死。

2、If you refuse this offer you will be the most ungratedful,wiched girl and the angels will weep for you!如果你拒绝这么好的条件,你就是个最无情的坏姑娘,天使都会为你哭泣。

3、What I done what I did was not for the taxis and the dresses,but because we were pleasant together and I come to care for you .Not to want you to make love to me and not forgetting the difference between us, but more friendly like.


4、The moment I let a woman make friends with me,she becomes jealous,exacting,suspicious and a damned nuisance.The moment that I make friends with a woman I become selfish and tyranical.So here I am ,a confirmed old bechelor and likely to remain so.


5、Damn,damn,damn,damn.I’ve grown accustomed to her face.She almost makes the day begin.I’ve grown accustomed to the tune that she whistles night and noon,her smiles,her frowns,her ups, her downs are second nature to me. 

该死的,该死的, 我已经习惯了每天见到她,是她让新的一天开始,我已经习惯了她从早到晚的口哨声,她的一颦一笑,已经成为了我天性需要的一部分,就像呼吸与吸气。

6、Surely I could always be the way again,and yet I’ve grown accustomed to her looks. Accustomed to her voice,accustomed to her face.我当然可以回到从前,但我已经习惯了她的样子,习惯了她的声音,习惯了她的脸庞。

7、I can’t afford’em, Governor. Neither could you if you was as poor as me.我买不起道德,大人,你像我一样穷也会这样。

8、I mean to go on being undeserving.I like it an’that’s the truth.我可以不用救济过活,但确实乐意有救济。

9、I have to live for others now,not for myself. Middle-class morality. 我得为别人而活,而不是为自己,所谓的中产阶级道德。

10、I won’t be called a baggage.Not when I ‘ve offered to play like any lady. 我可不是个东西,我是来付钱给你的女士。

第1个回答  2016-12-17
ach day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when
第2个回答  2016-02-26
第3个回答  2016-02-26
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