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  这个不会  可以翻译为“This will not"


  这个不会翻译 BLUESUEDESHOES Elvis is Everywhere

  这个我不会输了 I will not lose

  这个能量不会死亡 the enery never dies

  这个世界不会明了 the world doesn't understand

  这个皮球不会沉。 This rubber ball won't sink.

  这个设定不会将进行 This Setup will not proceed

  这个地图我不会 This map I will not

  这个单词我不会拼写 The word I won't spell

  这个人永远不会倒下 This person will never fall

  我不会这个复杂的 I will not this complex



  Of course, this will not stop him from going to the express lane.


  And it still requires licensees to demonstrate that this will not be a problem for them.

    这个不会通过物品来给与你真正的好处,仅仅是随手抓一把 树枝以及在边线野店买一个恢复戒指,或者让小鸡运送过来。

  This doesn't really take advantage of inventory slots, just grab a pile of branches andbuy the RoR in the side shop, or have it brought to you.

第2个回答  2015-07-09
第3个回答  2015-09-29
Help from a rich man I

Many years ago, In a city in Arabia, there was a boy called Aladdin. He
lived with his mother in a little house near the market, and they were
very poor. Aladdin’s mother worked all day, and sometimes half the
night, but Aladdin never helped her.

He was a lazy boy and he did not like to work. He only wanted to play
all the time. Every morning he ran through the streets to the market.
There, he talked and laughed and played with his friends all day. Then
in the evening he went home for his dinner.

And every night his mother said to him:”Oh, Aladdin, Aladdin ! You are a
lazy boy-a good-for-nothing! When are you going to do some work, my

But Aladdin never listened to his mother.

One day in the market there was an old man in a long black coat. Aladdin
did not see him, but the old man watched Aladdin very carefully. After
some minutes he went up to an orange-seller and asked:

“That boy in the green coat-who is he?”

“Aladdin, don of Mustafa ,”was the answer.

The old man moved away. “Yes ,”he said quietly.”Yes, that is the boy. The right name , and the right father.”

Then he called out to Aladdin:”Boy! Come here for a minute. Is your name Aladdin? Aladdin, son of Mustafa?”

Aladdin left his friends and came to the old man.”Yes,” he said,” I am
Aladdin, son of Mustafa. But my father is dead. He died five years ago. ”

“Dead!” Said the old man.”Oh, no!” He put his face in his hands and began to cry.

“Why are you crying?” asked Aladdin. “Did you know my father?”

The old man looked up. “Mustafa was my brother!” he said. “I wanted to
see him again, and now you tell me he is dead. Oh this is not a happy
day for me!” Then he put his hand on Aladdin’s arm. “But here is me
brother’s son, and I can see Mustafa in your face, my boy. Aladdin, I am
your uncle, Abanazar,”

“My uncle?” said Aladdin. He was very surprised. “Did my father have a brother? I didn’t know that.”

“I went away before you were born, my boy,” said the old man. “Look.” He
took ten pieces of gold out of his bag, and put them into Aladdin’s
hands. “Go home to your mother and give this money to her. Tell her
about me, and say this: Her husband’s brother wants to meet her, and he
is going to visit her tomorrow”

Ten pieces of gold is a lot of money and Aladdin was very happy. He ran
home quickly and gave the gold to his mother. At first she was
afraid.Where did you get this, Aladdin? Did you find it? It isn’t our
money. You must give it back,”

“But it is our money, Mother,” said Aladdin. “My uncle, my father’s
brother, gave the money to us. Uncle Abanazar is coming to visit us

“Who? You don’t have an uncle Abanazar.”

“But he knows my name, and my father’s name,”Aladdin said. “And he gave
ten pieces of gold to me. He’s very nice. You must make a good dinner
for him.”

The next day Abanazar arrived at Aladdin’s house.

“My sister!” he said and smiled. “My dead brother’s wife! I am happy to find you and Aladdin.”

“Sit down, Abanazar. We’re happy to see you in our poor home, “Aladdin’s
mother said. She put meat, rice and fruit on the table. “But I don’t
understand. Why did my husband never speak about you?”

“I am sorry, my sister. When we were young, my brother and I were not
friends for many years. Then I went away to a far country. I am an old
man now and wanted to see my brother again and take his hand. But he is
dead, and I cannot speak to him or say goodbye to him now!”

Abanazar had tears in his eyes and Aladdin’s mother began to cry too.

“But I am home again now,” the old man said, “and I can help my
brother’s wife and his son, because I am a rich man.”He looked at
Aladdin.”Aladdin, my boy, what work do you do?”

Aladdin did not answer and his face was red.

“Oh, don’t ask Aladdin questions about work!” His mother said.”He never
works. He plays with his friends all day, and only comes home when he is

“Well, my boy, tomorrow we must get a new coat for you. Then we can talk
about work. Would you like to have a shop in the market perhaps?”

Aladdin smiled. “A shop, “he thought, “and me, a rich market-seller. Why not?”





























