费城旅游景点介绍英语 费城简介英文



Philadelphia, 全称“费拉德尔菲亚”。英文简称为 Philly。该词的由二个希腊单词组成,Philos 意思为 爱,adelphos 意思为兄弟。所以费城也被称为 “city of brotherly love”,“兄弟之爱之城”。
全国造船和石油工业主要中心之一,服装、食品、印刷、钢铁、重型机 费城
[1]械、电机、汽车、化工等工业也很重要。著名历史古城,始建于1681年。1776年十三州在此宣布独立,1787年在此制订联邦宪法,1790—1800年为美国首都。多美国独立战争前后古迹文物。有较古老的宾夕法尼亚大学(1779年建)、德雷塞尔大学 (1891建)宾夕法尼亚艺术学院(1805年建)等高等学校和众多的科学研究机构、博物馆、美术馆等。艺术活动很活跃,费城交响乐团闻名于世。
费城是美国的古都,也是第四大都市。随着岁月的流逝与工业的发展,费城所拥有的重要性已逐渐褪色,但是在十八世纪中叶,费城却是起草与签署独立宣言的地方,第一 费城
次和第二次大陆会议(Continental Congresses)均是在此召开。而美国宪法草案也是在费城起草和签署的。贝茜·罗斯(Betsy Ross)在这里设计并升起了美国国旗;国父乔治·华盛顿也在此留下了不少岁月。这里是美国和美国民主的诞生地。Philadelphia是希腊语,意为“兄弟之爱”,这个人口一百六十万的城市,至今仍维持了友善小镇的感觉。
费城位于宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)东南部,德拉瓦河(Delaware Riv 美国费城
er)与斯库基尔河(Schuylkill)的汇流处。市区东起德拉瓦河,向西延伸到斯库基尔河以西,面积334平方公里。Broad St. 以西、Vine St. 以北为艺术区,博物馆、美术馆多聚集在此。8th St. 以东为历史区,以西为中心区。主要观光地多集中艺术区及历史区,旅馆与购物中心则在中心区。南北方向道路自德拉瓦河畔开始,以 1st、2nd等数字命名街道。费城是个徒步就可以走完的城市,在历史区逛一天、艺术区两天,则是最理想的行程。
绿意盎然的费城,每年从全美各地涌进不计其数的游客,都是专程前来欣赏这个国家的诞生地。因此,费城也是著名的观光都市之一。1682年,英国探险家威廉·潘(Quaker 美国费城
[2]William Penn)发现并命名了费城,同一时期当地建了357间屋子;到了1699年,人口已快速成长为7000。十八世纪中叶,费城的贸易额已超越了波士顿。之后,这个城市成为美国的诞生地,也是美国的第二个首都。本杰明·富兰克林这个伟大的政治家、作家及发明家,虽然出生在波士顿,但在少年时代离家出走至此,创业开印刷所、办报纸、结交总督、地方名人,创办大学,并于1790年逝世于此。 对游客与当地人一致认为,“费城”这个名词代表了独立会堂、自由钟、起司牛肉三明治、英雄三明治、种族融合、戏院、快活的古典音乐以及充满生命的街道。 费城市区与郊外的交通相当发达,由SEPTA经营的公车、地下铁、火车在市区组成便利的交通网。
费城国际机场(Philadelphia International Airport)有五个航站,分为A~E,每个航站都有行李提领台以及火车站。C航站一楼的Airport Communication Center可取得地图、手册等资料。SEPTA(Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation)的R1线铁路每30分钟自E航站发车,行经各航站,20分钟即可达市中心。机场巴士 (Airport Shuttle)在每个航站的行李提领处发车,可到达市中心的各主要旅馆,费时30至40分钟。当然还有出租车可供利用。
地铁共有两条主干线:Market-Frankforde干线由69th St.到Frankford。 美国费城
Broad St. Line/Ridge Spur干线有三种路线。第一种从Fern Rock经过市政府(City Hall)到Pattison;第二种也是从Fern Rock经过市政府(City Hall),但是只到Walnut-Locust;第三种从Olney到8th St.。其中13th St.、15th St.、30th St.和市政府站可以免费转车。两条干线另有只停靠某些站的快捷班次,但大多是半夜发车。郊区火车(Regional Rail Line)分为R1至R8,费用因目的地不同而异,尖峰时间以及普通时段的车价也不同。车站前的自动售票机可以显示所有价钱。
费城公共汽车路线四通八达,其中76 号(Route 76)公车,有如市区观光 美国费城
巴士,行经所有著名的景点。班车从早上九点到下午六点,每隔10 ~ 20分钟发出一班车。市内公车和地铁的票价一致,一趟.60,越区加收40¢。代币售价二个.30,五个.75,十个.50。月票,周票.25,另外还有一日票(Day Pass),只要美金五元。但是所有乘车票若超过区域,还是要附越区费。
罗斯故居是设计美国国旗星条旗的罗斯夫人的老家。据说,它是1774年由华盛顿总统建议而兴建的。附近的Elfreth's Alley和Bladen Coat小路仍留存了 十八世纪美国开国初期的形迹,散步其间,易兴思古幽情。 独立纪念馆建立于1732年,原为州政府,后于1776年,在该处发表独立宣言。其后,又在该处起草合众国宪法,从而诞生了美利坚合众国。
费城也是NBA费城76人队(Philadelphia 76ers)的主场。76人队阵容 76人队阵容 平均年龄:27岁 | 平均身高:2.01米 | 平均体重:100.2公斤 号码 球员 位置 身高 体重 年龄 生日 NBA球龄 1 萨缪尔-达勒姆波特 中锋 2.11米 113公斤 27岁 1981-5-10 5年 9 安德烈-伊古欧达拉 后卫/前锋 1.98米 94公斤 24岁 1984-1-28 3年 14 贾森-史密斯 前锋 2.13米 109公斤 22岁 1986-3-2 0年 16马利斯-斯贝茨 大前锋/中锋 2.08米 113 1987-08-04 20 路易斯-阿曼德森 前锋 2.06米 102公斤 26岁 1982-12-7 1年 21 萨德乌斯-杨 前锋 2.03米 100公斤 20岁 1988-6-21 0年 23 路易斯-威廉姆斯 后卫 1.88米 79公斤 22岁 1986-10-27 2年 24 杰森-卡波诺 后卫/前锋 2.03米 98公斤 28岁 1981-02-02 42 埃尔顿-布兰德 大前锋 2.03米 / 6尺8 115 1979-03-11 33 威利-格林 得分后卫 1.93米 91公斤 27岁 1981-7-28 4年 35 赫伯特-希尔 前锋/中锋 2.08米 109公斤 24岁 1984-10-1 0年 42 沙福里克-兰多夫 前锋 2.08米 109公斤 25岁 1983-11-24 2年


Philadelphia, 简称Philly
215, 267


【独立宫 Independence Hall】
景点位置:520 Chestnut St Philadelphia, PA 19106 美国
【自由钟 The Liberty Bell】
景点位置:6th St Market St Philadelphia, PA 19106 美国
【费城市政厅Philadelphia City Hall】
费城市政厅在费城是最引人注目建筑。主体由花岗岩构成,顶部是费城之父William Penn的巨大铜像,他俯视着该城着名的Penn Treaty公园。建筑最引人注目的除了费城之父的巨大铜像外,建筑外部还有250多个浮雕也格外醒目。从远处看,整个市政厅就像一枚巨大无比的方形印章,铜像是印章的抓柄。
景点位置:1401 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19107 美国
【费城艺术博物馆 Philadelphia Museum of Art】
景点位置:2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy Philadelphia, PA 19130 美国


The city of Philadelphia is the largest city in Pennsylvania and the fifth most populous city in the United States[1]. It is colloquially referred to as Philly, and known as The City of Brotherly Love (from Greek: Φιλαδ_λφεια, /fi.la._d_l.f_j.a/, "brotherly love" from philos "loving" and adelphos "brother").
The 2005 U.S. Census estimated population of the city proper is 1.4 million.[2] Philadelphia is a major commercial, educational, and cultural center for the nation. The Philadelphia_Camden_Wilmington metropolitan area is the fifth-largest in the U.S. as of the 2006 estimate with a population of 5.8 million (fourth largest according to official 2000 census).[3]
During part of the 18th century, the city was the first capital and most populous city of the United States. At that time, it eclipsed Boston and New York City in political and social importance, with Benjamin Franklin taking a large role in Philadelphia's rise. The city was the geographic center of the 18th century thinking and activity that gave birth to the American Revolution and subsequent American democracy and independence.
[edit] Topography
A simulated-color satellite image of Philadelphia taken on NASA's Landsat 7 satellite. The Delaware River is visible in this shot.According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 369.4 km_ (142.6 mi_). 349.9 km_ (135.1 mi_) of it is land and 19.6 km_ (7.6 mi_) of it (5.29%) is water. Bodies of water include the Delaware River, Schuylkill River, Cobbs Creek, Wissahickon Creek, and Pennypack Creek.
The lowest point in the city lies 10 feet above sea level near Fort Mifflin in Southwest Philadelphia at the convergence of the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. The highest point is in Chestnut Hill, at 432 feet above sea level, near Evergreen Place, just north and west of Evergreen Avenue.
The counties adjacent to Philadelphia are Montgomery County to the north; Bucks County to the northeast; Burlington County, New Jersey to the east; Camden County, New Jersey to the southeast; Gloucester County, New Jersey to the south; and Delaware County to the west.
[edit] Climate
Philadelphia's climate falls in the humid subtropical climate zone, although it is the northernmost city in the United States that meets this classification. Because Philadelphia is on the far northern end of this climate zone, some of its outlying suburbs, especially to the north and west, are considered to fall in the humid continental zone. Summers are typically hot and muggy, fall and spring are generally mild, and winter is cold, although infrequently very cold. Precipitation is almost uniformly distributed throughout the year[7].
January lows average 23°F (-5°C) and highs average 38°F (3°C). The lowest officially recorded temperature was -11°F (-24°C) on February 9, 1934[8], but temperatures below 14°F (-10°C) occur only a few times a year. July lows average 67°F (20°C) and highs average 86° F (30°C)[9], although heat waves see highs above 95°F (35°C) with the heat index running as high as 110°F (43°C). The highest temperature on record was 106°F (41°C) on August 7, 1918[10]. Early fall and late winter are generally driest, with February being the driest month with only 2.74 in (69.8 mm) of average precipitation.
Snowfall is variable, with some winters bringing light snow and others bringing many significant snowstorms. It is common for the heavier snowfall to occur north and west of the city, where the climate is slightly colder. The average annual snowfall is 21 in (534 mm). Rainfall is generally spread throughout the year, with eight to eleven wet days per month,[11] at an average annual rate of 42 in (1068 mm).
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Main article: History of Philadelphia
Before Europeans arrived, the Delaware (Lenape) Indian settlement of Shackamaxon was located along the Delaware River. Although the area lay within the bounds described in the 1632 Charter of Maryland, the Calvert family's influence never reached this far north, and the first European settlers were Swedes (see New Sweden), who called it Wiccacoa, and thirteen families from Krefeld, Germany, who settled in Germantown in 1683. A congregation was formed in 1646 on Tinicum Island by Swedish missionary John Campanius; in 1700, the group built Gloria Dei Church, also known as Old Swedes'.
Philadelphia is one of the earliest examples of a planned city. Its rectilinear grid of streets—now a commonplace feature of urban planning—was its most noteworthy innovation. The city was founded and developed in 1682 by William Penn, a Quaker. The city's name means "brotherly love" in Greek (Φιλαδ_λφεια). Penn hoped that the city, as the capital of his new colony founded on principles of freedom and religious tolerance, would be a model of this philosophy. During early immigration by Quakers and others, some "first purchasers" who got title to land in the city also received farmland