

Today, more and more young people are crazy about western festivals. When western festivals come, they usually go to restaurants or shopping malls to have fun.
如今,越来越多的年轻人都对西方的节日着迷。当西方节日到来的时候,他们常常去餐厅或是商场娱乐。Why do the young enjoy western festivals so much? Since they worship everything new, and they can’t resist the temptation. In their opinions, western festivals symbolize the fashion, while our Chinese traditional festivals are out of date. No wonder we always feel so boring during our traditional holidays. If we still turn a blind eye to our traditional festivals, our culture and civilization will disappear someday. Accordingly, it is high time for us to pay close attention to our Chinese festivals.为什么年轻人这么喜爱西方节日呢?大抵是因为他们喜爱新鲜事物,抗拒不了诱惑。在他们看来,西方节日代表着时尚,而中国传统节日则太土了。这也难怪我们也觉得我们的传统节日太过无聊了。如果我们对传统节日漠然置之,那么某天我们的文化文明终会消失。因此,我们该多多关注我们中国自己的节日了。As a Chinese, we have the obligation to protect our culture and custom. So I think we should celebrate our Chinese festivals by doing some traditional activities. As for western festivals, we needn’t to be too excited about them. We can just send our best wishes to our best friends during those festivals.作为一名中国人,我们有责任保护自己的文化习俗。所以我认为应当在庆祝中国传统节日时候举办一些传统活动。而对于西方节日,我们不需要太过激动。在这些节日里我们应该只需简单的送上祝福就好。