

Col, that terrifying old gentleman who
had roared at them from the folds of so many wonderful wadded garments whenever they were led in, trembling, to see him, for he had gout and was very terrible; and it seemed
particularly awful when one thought of Onkel Col going to heaven,
which was surely of all places the most _endimanche_.

"Of course," nodded Anna-Rose; but even she dropped her voice

a little. She peeped about among the bushes a moment, then put her mouth close to Anna-Felicitas's ear, and whispered, "Stark."
They stared at one another for a space with awe and horror in their eyes. "You see," then went on Anna-Rose rather quickly, hurrying away from the awful vision, "one

knows one doesn't have clothes in heaven because they don't have the
moth there. It says so in
the Bible. And you can't have the moth without having anything for it
to go into." "Then they don't

have to have naphthalin either," said Anna-Felicitas, "and don't all have to smell horrid in the autumn when they take their furs out." "No. And thieves don't break in and steal either in heaven,"
continued Anna-Rose,
"and the reason why is that there _isn't_ anything to steal." "There's
angels," suggested Anna-Felicitas after a pause, for she didn't
like to think t

考,这可怕的老绅士谁吼了他们在从棉颤抖的褶皱这么多精彩的服装时,他们领导的,以见他,因为他已经痛风,很可怕,可怕的,它似乎特别当人们想到的Onkel考升天,这肯定是所有地方的最_endimanche_。“当然其中,”点点头安娜玫瑰,但连她自己的声音有点下降。关于她在树丛中偷看了一会儿,然后把她的嘴接近安娜费利西塔斯的耳朵,低声说:“斯塔克。”他们又盯着一个用于空间敬畏他们的眼睛和恐怖的研究。 “你看,”那么罗斯接着安娜较快,匆匆离开了可怕的设想,“一个人知道没有天上的衣服,因为他们没有蛾那里。它是这么说的圣经。与你不能有任何东西进入蛾不必为它。“ “那么他们没有任何有萘说:”安娜费利西塔斯“,并没有都闻到了可怕的秋天时他们把自己的皮毛。” “号和小偷不来偷无论是在天堂”,继续安娜玫瑰“,而原因是什么,有_isn't_偷。” “我们的天使,”建议安娜费利西塔斯后暂停,因为她不喜欢想吨