other than的用法是什么?


Other than是个介词短语,表示“except for”, “with the exception of”的含义, 一般用于否定句。除了你,我不认识任何法国人。other than的用法.jpg
other than的用法有哪些
1、other than本义为“与...不同”或“并非”如,we have done many undergraduate courses other than this one我们读了与这门课不同的许多大学课程
2、再比如these animals are different in other ways than shape,这些动物差别不在形状,而在其他另的方面
3、other than 还常常译为“除了...以外”如the law takes into accout forms of energy other than those discussed so far 除了所讨论的那些能量 形式以外,该定律还考虑了其他能量形式
4、no other than作“除...外...不”来讲,如we can think of no other example than this除了这个例子以外,我们想不出其他什么了
5、none (no) other than 作“不是别的,正是...”来讲,Ms. Liao is no other than our teacher 廖女士正是我们的老师
other than 和besides的区别
"Other than" 通常用于介词短语之前,后面跟随名词或动名词形式。
"Besides" 通常用于句子中的副词位置,后面跟随一个完整的句子或动词不定式。
"I don't have any plans other than studying for the exam."(除了备考,我没有其他计划。)
"Besides studying for the exam, I also need to finish my homework."(除了备考,我还需要完成作业。)
第1个回答  2024-04-01
other than 不同于,除了,与…不同;与…不同方式
There’s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人.
You can’t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去.
rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分
eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher.
other than 除了
rather than 而不是,代替

Other than例子:
Everyone here can go there other than you.

rather than例子:
1.Everyone here can go there rather than me.
2.Everyone here can go there rather than me other than you.
3.I can go there rather than you.