

I get along well with my roommates.If anyone of us is in trouble, the others all come to help. We have classes, having meals and playing (basket)ball together. We respect one another and never fight. We respect others' personal habits and try to understand each other.
第1个回答  2010-04-22
I get along with my roommate rapport. If anybody has any difficulties, all help. Join us in class, dinner, play with. Mutual respect between us, no quarrel. We respect each other's living habits and mutual understanding.

网上在线翻译就可以翻译出来哦~。~ ~
第2个回答  2010-04-22
I get along with my roommate harmony. If anybody has any difficulties, he (she)can get all help. We go class, dinner, play together. Mutual respect between us, no quarrel. We respect each other's living habits and mutual understanding