

英美国家的人习惯“开门见山”。这就要求作者在文章开头就要说明这篇文章打算要说什么,即阐明文章的大概意思(general idea),然后再详细叙述过程。如:
Boys and girls, May I have your attention,please?
There will be a lecture on American literature at the weekend.…
That's all.Thank you.
以上是一个关于一场报告的通知。一开始,就要告诉读者通知的主要内容(There will be a lecture on American literature),然后再说明具体的时间、地点和要求等。
Dear sir,
I have learned from China Youth that a typist is needed in your company.I want to apply for the job and work with your company...
(1)Beijing,the capital of China,is a world-famous city.There are many places of interest in and around Beijing.The Palace Museum lies in the center of the city.It used to be the palace of the emperors in the Ming and Qing dynasties.There are many splendid buildings there.The Great Wall, which is a wonder of the world,is not far from the city of Beijing...
(2)I am a boy of 15.I have many hobbies,of which collecting stamps is my favorite...
(3)New York—A traffic accident occurred on High Way 35last night.12 people were badly injured in the accident,2children included...
在英语修辞学中,用主语开头的句子称为“主语领先句”(subject-first sentence)。从语法的角度讲,主语领先句并无任何错误,但在语篇中过多使用或连续使用主语领先句,在写作技巧上就是一个缺点了。为了使文章读起来生动活泼,保持平衡匀称,或突出强调某些成分,我们可以使用除主语开头以外的其他成分开头的英语句子。例如:
To the west of the city is a river,named the Juma River.(地点状语开头)
Not having received her letter,I decided to write to her again.(分词作状语开头)
Being ill,she had to stay in bed for a couple of days.(现在分词作状语开头)
To catch the early bus,I got up at 5:30,earlier than usual.(不定式作状语开头)
Big and beautiful,the campus is much better than I had expected.(adj作状语开头)
Air,water and stone,everything is made up of atoms.(同位语开头)
Excited at the result,she hurried to tell her mother about it.(分词作状语开头)
Very carefully and slowly,she stepped into the dark cave.(副词作状语开头)
American English rather than British English I like better.(宾语开头)
It wasn't until we had finished all the cleaning that we left the park and went home.(强调句型强调时间状语从句开头)
I have never walked down the south side of the town without being all in a dither about what was happening on the north.This is folly.
That is what they wanted to know.(what引导的表语从句)
I wonder what you want to do.(what引导的宾语从句)
I have no idea what they found.(what引导的同位语从句)
The reason is that...;The problem is that... ;The question is that...
The fact is that... ;The result is that...
That is where we used to have our experiments.
That was when he was only a boy of 15.
That is how he has succeeded as a doctor.
That is why I didn't accept his offer.
The computer,which has become widely used in many fields throughout the world,was invented in 1946.
Tom is my best friend,whose mother died when he was only 7.
5.套用句型It is+形容词或过去分词+that从句。
It is important that we(should)have a good knowledge of English grammar.
It is necessary that you(should)have a large vocabulary.
It is strange(surprising,impossible,a pity)that he should have left without notice.
It is said(reported,believed)that our team has won the game.
6.套用It seems that/as if...
It seems that /as if he has found a way out.
7.套用句型It(so)happened that...
It so happened that he was passing by and he jumped into the icy water to save the drowning boy.
8.套用句型...be about to do sth./be doing sth.+when(suddenly)...
We were about to start off when suddenly the telephone rang.
She was about to cross the street when a car knocked her down.
I was walking in the street when suddenly a man rushed out of a dark corner.
9.套用强调句型It is(was)+被强调成分+that(指人时可用who)...
It was then and there that I realized what a noble man Mr Zhang was.
Where was it that you got the dictionary?
How time flies!Nearly a month has passed since I last met you.How are things with you?How are you getting on with your English study?I am looking forward to seeing you soon in Beijing.I will be expecting you at the airport.Be sure to drop in when you come to Beijing.Be sure to ring me when you arrive.I appreciate your kindness.Yours sincerely,Yours truly,...
His parents were grateful(thankful)tome for my help.We were just in time for the film.
Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention,please?That's all.Thank you.
and,and also,besides,further more,in addition,alternatively,in other words,similarly,generally,that is to say,by the way,on the other hand,for one thing...also...,by contrast。
but,yet,nevertheless,however,on the contrary,in fact,at the same time,actually,instead,rather,in any case等。
so,therefore,for this reason,as a result,in consequence,in that case等。
and then ,next ,after that ,firstly ,
secondly,and finally,at once,immediately,shortly after that,two days later,at this point等。例如:
A big fire broke out.As a result,all their belongings were burnt up in the fire.
The film had already started when we arrived at the cinema.We didn't get in.
Instead,we went for a walk.
I should have offered him a hand at that moment.However,I didn't do so.
要领六. 书写规范