

guarantee to do sth 保证会做某事
如:I guarantee to pay off his debts. 我保证还清他的债务。
guarantee sb. sth =guarantee sth to sb. 向某人保证某事
如:The boss guaranteed his workers the full salary.老板向员工保证工资会全部发放。
guarantee sth.+adj. 保证某物如何
如:The art dealer guaranteed the picture genuine.那个画商保证这幅画是真的
guarantee that+句子
如:I guarantee that she will come 我保证她会来。
第1个回答  2020-11-25
第2个回答  推荐于2016-12-05
VERB确保;使必然发生If one thing guarantees another, the first is certain to cause the second thing to happen.语法信息

Surplus resources alone do not guarantee growth.


2.N-COUNT保证Something that is a guarantee of something else makes it certain that it will happen or that it is true.语法信息

A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality...


3.VERB保证…必定发生;承诺做;答应提供If you guarantee something, you promise that it will definitely happen, or that you will do or本回答被提问者和网友采纳