
人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远
Men at their birth, are naturally good.
Their natures are much the same;
their habits become widely different.


第1个回答  2010-03-08
1810, Morrison's carved from a revised his Chinese "Acts Biography", in 1814 to complete the "New" in the new version. In 1819, he and missionary William Milne common translation completed the "Old Testament", named "God days holy book," in the 1823 publication of Malacca in Malaysia, the "new Old Testament" complete introduction to China.
Morrison's in the translation, layout and publication of "Bible" At the same time, a translation of classical Chinese culture. He believes that the Chinese translation of the West Classic will help to better understand China, he was systematically Chinese classics will be translated into English the first person. Morrison's 1812 publication of the Chinese translation of "Three Character Classic" (The Three-Character Classic), "the University" (The Great Science), the "three of the Origin" (Account of FOE), "Taishanglaojun" ( Account of the Sect TAO-SZU).
In order to help Westerners to read Chinese, Morrison's 1815 has also compiled a English version of the "statement of common-law" (A Grammar of the Chinese Language) and the "Chinese Translation" (Translations from the Original Chinese). 1816 prepared a "Chinese Conversation and Legend" (Dialogues and Attached Sentences in the Chinese Language). In 1817 prepared a "China Wonderland" (A View of China, for Philosophical Purposes, Containing A Sketch of Chinese Chronology, Geography, Religion and Customs). 1823 published a compilation of "Huaying Dictionary" (Dictionary of the Chinese Language), which is a history of China's first English dictionary. Morrison's 1824 publication of "Sons dialogue: China's history and status quo" (China: Dialogues Between A Father and His Two Children Concerning the History and Present State of That Country). 1828 compiled a "Guangdong dialect word" (Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect).
Morrison's 1818 founding in Macao "IAC College" (Anglo-Chinese College), the school is run by the Modern missionaries first Chinese schools, recruiting overseas students to study in order to cultivate China's pastoral talents. To teach English in schools, curriculum theology, mathematics, history, geography, Morrison served as the hospital's pastor. 1825, the school began to enroll girls. In the second year after the Opium War (1843), "Ying Wa College" to move to Hong Kong, discontinued in 1856. Sponsoring missionaries in China in the future founder of the Christian university has accumulated valuable experience, is a cross-cultural education.
The earliest Chinese publications Morrison is less than August 5, 1815 with the assistance of the William Milne, the founder of Malacca in the "Review secular monthly survey Biography" (Chinese Monthly Magazine), the main issue is to introduce the doctrine of Christianity, also a small number of the presentation of the history, and natural sciences, and other areas. It is the modern era, China's first man-made object Chinese periodicals, opened a prelude to the history of Chinese journals. 1832, and Morrison's governing council and the United States missionaries text (Elijah Coleman Bridgman, 1801-1861) to edit the word "China Cong Bao" (The Chinese Repository).
Morrison's 1820 in Macao opened a Chinese clinics, employing Chinese and Western doctors, free medical services to the media as a missionary. 1827 also created an Eye Hospital. Six years later, also in Guangzhou opened an Eye Hospital, ophthalmologists employ of the British East India Company to play doctor.
As Morrison's made in the cultural aspects of the groundbreaking work, but also made great contributions, in 1817 the University of Glasgow theology doctorate, in 1824 he was elected Member of the Royal Society (Fellow of the Royal Society).
1834, Morrison's appointment by the king as the first ambassador to the United Kingdom, business supervision of the Secretary of the translators, for the rank of vice-consuls, the same year in August, died in Guangzhou, Macao buried in the Christian cemetery, built in Guangzhou after Morrison 's Memorial Hall (YMCA Long Beach venue).


第2个回答  2010-03-06