
can/cuould ; may/might ;will/would ; shall/should ;shall/should/will/would 这五组词我弄不明白在什么情况用,比如我知道can/could是表能力,许可的,但不知道这两个词分别在什么情况用。 望各位高人为我解答困惑,最好有些例子。

情态动词解释 一、表示语气强烈的强权命令,警告,许诺用shall,"我命令..."表示教育,劝告,建议,责备等的“应当”用should。 11.You shall be here at 8.You shall not be late.(命令) 2.You shall lose your son ,if you don\'t give me the money in time.(威胁) 3.You shall get punished.(警告) 4.You shall get the money tomorrow, and you shall know the result of the exam then.(许诺) 对比语气轻的道德理由式的教育、劝告、责备:"应当" 用should.(注"must往往是公众纪律要求,比Should强,比shall弱:You mustn\'t be late.公众纪律不允许迟到) 5.You should telephone me before you come. (责备) 6.He should pay attention to his spoken English.(教育) 7.I should study harder than before 。道德教育 8.You should have handed in your homework yesterday.(责备某人没有做应该做的事.) 9.You should not have said such rude words to your mother.(责备某人做了不该做某事) You should not have been late 练习: 你要听母亲的话. 你最迟明天要搬走.你不要哭. 你不要摸电线. 你要努力学习. 你要活着回来. 二.主语愿意或不愿意做某事,事物发展下去必然发生或必然不会发生某事,用will,won\'t , 1.I will marry you. I will do everything for you. I will die for you .(愿意) 2.He will lose his life for his country.(愿意) 3.I won\'t go with you . You won\'t receive my letter .(不愿意或必然不都可) 4.Will you allow us to go to Tibet ?(愿意) 5. When the baby see his mother, he will smile.(必然趋势) 6.The vegatable won\'t grow without water.(必然趋势) 7.Will he see the picture when he return home ?(必然趋势) 现在时的客气婉转的请求询问对方意愿,语气轻的"愿意"和"趋势"用would. 过去时就必须用would 1.Would you like to have a talk with me ? 2.He would make a face ,when he made a mistake . 3.He wouldn\'t trouble you . 辨别will与would的区别 你愿意卖你的房子吗? 你愿意把座位让给老奶奶吗? 你愿意选谁当总统? 他会说些什么呢?地震会发生吗? 辨别will,would与shall,should的区别:自然而然发展变化用will,would,被"我"强制命令用shall,能翻译为"愿意""就会\'"总是\'"决不\'用will, won\'t,能翻译为"我命令你/他","你不许","你务必"用shall,(1-6) 1.Once there was a man who was afraid to stay with his wife very much ,for his wife was stroger than he . when they quarreled, his wife (A.would B.should C. will D wouldn\'t )fight with him .If they fought (,A. The B.A C.X)husband (A.would B.should C. will D wouldn\'t ) be beteaned to pains .He (A.wouldn\'t B.shouldn\'t C. won\'t D couldn\'t )bare the pains. so he hid himself under (A x B. a C.the) bed.When he hid under the bed ,the wife got even more angry ."You (A.shall B.shall not C. will D shouldn\'t ) make your clothes dirty !you (A.would B.should C. will D shall ) get out !The husband remembered his honour of (A.a B,the C.x) man . He answered :"I\'m (A.a B,the C.x) man .I (A.wouldn\'t B.shouldn\'t C. won\'t D couldn\'t )get out." Which sentence is better "I will....." or "You shall..." How to deal with your husband or wife? (A.Many couples B.A couple) often argue with each other,even hate or fight with each other. Many wifes want to order her husband to do (A .everythingB.something)at home.She (A.would B.should C.must)say "You (A.shallB.will)buy me a ring""You(A.shallB.will)wash all the clothes"(A.The B.A)husband doesn\'t want to argue with the wife. He (A.shallB.will)say"I (A.shallB.will) do (A.everythingB.something) for you""I (A.shallB.will) die for you.So the couple (A.won\'t B.shall not C.mustn\'t D.can\'t)fight .There (A.shallB.will) be (A.a B.x)peace at home .Which sentence do you think is better :"I will....." or "You shall..."? 疑问句是请求对方发命令,一,三人称用shall提问,二人称用will提问:"Shall I clean the blackboard?" "Shall he get here now?" "Will you give us a hand?" 据说有一个苏格兰人掉到水里,他不会游泳。于是想感叹说:“没有人会来救我,我要死了!”这句话是陈述语气,不应该用情态动词的,但他却用情态动词说:“Nobody shall save me,(我命令不准任何人来救我!)I will die ![我要(原意)死]”人们以为他决心要自杀,都不敢来救他。因为用错了shall,will,结果丢了一条命。 三.表示商量猜测不十分确定的事情. 肯定句用must; might; may 疑问句用can; could 否定句can‘t ;couldn’t; may not 1、肯定句是有根据,有经验的判断用must The tall man must be a player 。 He must work in this school 。 不肯定,无把握的猜测用may ,往往在有"..not sure"的句子时才用may Your answer may be right 。but I‘m not sure 。 客气礼貌婉转用might You might need some money 。 I think you might be hungry 。 2。疑问句只能用can,could不能用must,may,might Can he be a teacher? 猜测远处的人,看不见的人用 Who can it be ? “Someone is knocking at the door ,who can it be ?” “Open the door please !”“Who is it ?”看不见的人不能用“Who are you?”来提问。“It is me 。” 3.有把握有根据的否定猜测用can\'t couldn\'t "不可能",无把握无根据用may not ,might not"可能不" 不能用mustn\'t.mustn\'t 不是猜测,是"不允许...""禁止" He can\'t be at the libery,for I saw him just now . He might not know the headmaster. 4.对过去的猜测,对短暂动作的猜测必须用must/can/can\'t/may +have done 句型 He must have got up late this morning. He must have become someone\'s wife "Can he have known it ?""No he can\'t have known it ." He can\'t have finished his drawing yesterday .(7-15) 四.dare, need作为情态动词与行为动词的区别:(16-23) 1.肯定句只能用行为动词,不用情态动词. He dares to dance with a snake , doesn\'t he?不能用Dare not he? He needs to go with you . doesn\'t he? 不能用Needn’t he? 疑,否句两样形式都可用,但行为动词后往往有有do 又有 to,情态动词的句子中总是无do 又无to. Need you have a rest ? Do you need to have a rest ? He needn\'t copy the question, need he ? He doesn\'t need to come ,does he ? He dare not tell the truth. He doesn\'t dare (to ) tell the truth. 反意疑问 He needs a rest ,(A.doesn\'t B.needn\'t )he ? 五.can ,be able to 表示能力的区别 can 长期固有的自然能力 I can drive a car . be able to 经过努力克服困难后,在近期内刚刚获得的能力. After three months\' study,I am able to drive a car now . I have been able to drive a car now . 六.must必须 should 表示"应当" 1.must的否定回答用needn\'t .mustn\'t 表示"不许""禁止"不是必要性了. " Must I take some medicine ?" "No ,you needn\'t" "Need I buy some wine for Dad?" "No, you mustn\'t." "Need I buy some bread for you?""No,you needn\'t,I\'m full." 七.can,could,may,might表示许可 1.could可用于现在时的疑问句表示客气礼貌," of course you can" 表示乐意对方用自己的东西. Could/Would you do me a favour? of course I can. 八.need必要性 1.你不要等我. You neen\'t wait for me . 2."我要擦黑板板吗?""不要,我还要对黑板上的句子进行讲解." 3."要打电话告诉李平吗?""不要,我已告诉他了." 4."要我帮你提箱子吗?""不要,我自己能行." 2.你不要抽烟 You shall not smoke here .
