

The Statue of Liberty is located on the Free Island at New York in America
this symbols the friendship beeen o countries. The left hand of The Statue of Liberty holds the declaration of the independence
the right hand holds the flambeau
she looks forward at eye level
this trpires the gesture. She encourages many people that immigrate to america for their dreams. Therefore
she is not only the symbol of New York
also is the symbol of America. And apple pies are the symbol of the family which cooking at home. hop tat help u =]
参考: me n dict.
自由女神像位于美国纽约的自由岛上,这座象征著两国友谊的自由女神像,左手拿着宣言,右手高举火炬,双眼平视前方,充份散发了英姿风范。她鼓励著无数为实现理想而到美国的移民,因此她不但是纽约的象征,更是美国的象征。而苹果枇则是美国家庭烹饪的象征。 Statue of Liberty is on freedom island of New York of U.S.A.
this Statue of Liberty that is symbolizing the friendship beeen o countries
holding Declaration of Independence in left hand
holds the torch high in right hand
the eyes look at the front with the line of sight parallel to the ground
have filled the share and distributed the heroic bearing demeanour . She is encouraging being countless for realizing ideal and immigrant to U.S.A.
so she is not only the symbol of New York
it is a symbol of U.S.A. even more. Apple Pi is the symbol that an American family cooks . 希望可以帮到you
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The Statue of Liberty stands on New York's Liberty Island. The statue symbolizes the diplomatic relationship beeen The States and France. With the Declaration of Independence on the left hand
a burning torch held high on the right
she has expressed a sense of dignity with her straight looking eyes. She has given much encouragement to those immigrants who want to fulfill their dreams in their new homes in the U.S.A.. So she is not only an icon of New York but also to the whole of the States. As for apple pie
it is the symbol of the American way of family cooking.